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Wyn Quotes
Jim Acheson, our designer, told me I looked like his Auntie Wyn and I have never forgotten it. I wondered if it was the way I walked or wore my hat, but Jim just said that I had some indefinable air of an aunt. It was then I began to hope that one day I might play Lady Bracknell.
Tom Baker
Who hopeth in Gods helpe, his helpe can not starte: Nothing is impossible to a willyng hart, And will maie wyn my herte, herein to consent, To take all thinges as it cometh, and be content.
John Heywood
... Better is to boow then breake. It hurteth not the tounge to geue fayre wurdis. The rough net is not the best catcher of Burdis. Sense ye can nought wyn, if ye can not please, Best is to suffre: For of sufferance comth ease.
John Heywood