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Samoan Quotes
Have you guys ever ghost hunted in Hawaii? No? Well, I have this fat friend... I shouldn't say fat, that might offend him, but he's Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts.
Phil Brooks
My material on Samoa was gathered during a nine-month field trip in 1925–26 as a Fellow in the Biological Sciences of the National Research Council, on a research project designated as the study of the adolescent girl. The Samoan Islands, with a population in 1926 of 40,229, are peopled by a Polynesian group, a people with light brown skin and wavy black hair who speak a Polynesian language. The islands were Christianized in the first half of the nineteenth century and were administratively divided between a League of Nations Mandate under New Zealand called Western Samoa, which comprised the islands of Upolu and Savaii, and American Samoa, which was governed by the United States Navy. All my detailed work was done in the remote islands of the Manua group, principally in the village of Tau on the island of Tau.
Margaret Mead
I am the first to jump up and say that I am a proud Samoan.
Sonny Bill Williams
I simply nod, for I have already noticed the short distance between his right and left eyes. It is my secret way of detecting fags. I know he will speak. And the first thing the idiot says is, "Are you by any chance Samoan?” All my life strangers have been interested in my ancestry. There is something about my bearing that cries out for history. I've been mistaken for American Indian, Spanish, Filipino, Hawaiian, Samoan and Arabian. No one has ever asked me if I'm a spic or a greaser. Am I Samoan? "Aren't we all?”.
Oscar Zeta Acosta
I have developed a Samoan mentality. You have to be a gentleman everywhere but on the field.
Troy Polamalu
I am a National Football League player of American Samoan heritage. Because of my status as a professional athlete, I have been blessed to play a role in educating players and fans about the culture and history of America's southernmost territory.
Troy Polamalu
I don't feel that I need a tattoo to represent myself as a Samoan or a Christian.
Troy Polamalu
That's a traditional Samoan dance. I was lucky that I was able to fly my cousins, who are professional dancers, up from Hawaii and they were able to be in the movie with me. We had a great time.
Dwayne Johnson
I'd love to do a musical. I've been known to have a good step or two. I'm half Samoan, you know, and part of our culture is singing and dancing daily.
Dwayne Johnson
He reached his hand toward me. "You don't mind my asking, do you?” "Of course not,” I say calmly as I reverse the lit end of the cigarette so that the flame is cupped in the palm. I reach for his handshake. He screams like a woman in distress with her skirt held high. I puff my meanness as he licks at the burn and whimpers, "You sonofagun. You've burned the dickens out of my hand.” "I know.” "But why? I didn't do anything. I don't even know you.” "I guess it's my Samoan blood.” Sal rushes to my defense. He points his finger at the fag. "Out!” "But I didn't do anything.” "Out, out!” he shouts, his hands stiffly on the bar. The old fag picks himself up and begins to drag himself out.
Oscar Zeta Acosta