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Liabilities Quotes
If only the people who worry about their liabilities would think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying.
Dale Carnegie
While religious tolerance is surely better than religious war, tolerance is not without its liabilities. Our fear of provoking religious hatred has rendered us incapable of criticizing ideas that are now patently absurd and increasingly maladaptive.
Sam Harris
Our brains are either our greatest assets or our greatest liabilities.
Robert Kiyosaki
If there is one thing more than another that I have striven to secure during the last seven years it is that we should not incur any increase of Imperial liabilities.
Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon
A man of true honor protects the unwritten word which binds his conscience more scrupulously, if possible, than he does the bond a breach of which subjects him to legal liabilities, and the United States, in aiming to maintain itself as one of the most enlightened nations, would do its citizens gross injustice if it applied to its international relations any other than a high standard of honor and morality.
Grover Cleveland
Ewald von Kleist was an officer and a gentleman in an era when such characteristics were liabilities.
Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist
How do wealth-income and capital-output ratios evolve in the long run, and why? Until recently it was difficult to properly address this question, for one simple reason: national accounts were mostly about flows, not stocks. Economists had at their disposal a large body of historical series on flows of output, income and consumption – but limited data on stocks of assets and liabilities. When needed, for example for growth accounting exercises, estimates of capital stocks were typically obtained by cumulating past flows of saving and investment. This is fine for some purposes, but severely limits the set of questions one can ask.
Thomas Piketty
Such cultural homosexuality is an alienation more or less forced upon certain groups of Auden's society by the form of their education and the nature of their social and financial conditions. Where the members of a class and a sex are taught, in a prolonged narcissistic isolation, to hero-worship themselves-class and sex; where-to a different class-unemployment is normal, where one's pay is inadequate or impossible for more than one; where children are expensive liabilities instead of assets; where women are business competitors; where most social relationships have become as abstract, individualistic, and mobile as the relations of the labor market, homosexuality is a welcome asset to the state, one of the cheapest and least dangerous forms of revolution.
Randall Jarrell
In a world without love, this is what people are to each other: values, benefits, and liabilities, numbers and data. We weigh, we quantify, we measure, and the soul is ground to dust.
Lauren Oliver
OWE, v. To have (and to hold) a debt. The word formerly signified not indebtedness, but possession it meant 'own,' and in the minds of debtors there is still a good deal of confusion between assets and liabilities.
Ambrose Bierce
The US is bankrupt.... the US government cannot pass an audit....the accrued liabilities of the federal government "totaled approximately $53 trillion as of September 30, 2007.” No funds have been set aside against this mind boggling liability. Just so the reader understands, $53 trillion is 53,000 billion. The American economy has been devastated by... a free trade ideology that benefits corporate fat cats and shareholders at the expense of American labor. The dollar is failing in its role as reserve currency and will soon be abandoned.
Paul Craig Roberts
In former days, when wars arose from individual causes, from the policy of a Minister or the passion of a King, when they were fought by small regular armies of professional soldiers, and when their course was retarded by the difficulties of communication and supply, and often suspended by the winter season, it was possible to limit the liabilities of the combatants. But now, when mighty populations are impelled on each other, each individual severally embittered and inflamed-when the resources of science and civilisation sweep away everything that might mitigate their fury, a European war can only end in the ruin of the vanquished and the scarcely less fatal commercial dislocation and exhaustion of the conquerors. Democracy is more vindictive than Cabinets. The wars of peoples will be more terrible than those of kings.
Winston Churchill