Nugget Quotes
Howitt says of the man who found the great nugget which weighed twenty-eight pounds, at the Bendigo diggings in Australia: - "He soon began to drink; got a horse, and rode all about, generally at full gallop, and, when he met people, called out to inquire if they knew who he was, and then kindly informed them that he was 'the bloody wretch that had found the nugget.' At last he rode full speed against a tree, and nearly knocked his brains out." I think, however, there was no danger of that, for he had already knocked his brains out against the nugget.
Henry David Thoreau
Overwhelmed with disgust, Donnell said, "I could sell you sorry fuckers anything, couldn't I?”
They weren't sure they had heard correctly; they looked at each other, puzzled, asking what had been said.
"I could sell you sorry fuckers anything,” he repeated, "as long as it had a bright package and was wrapped around a chewy nugget of fear. I could be your green-eyed king. But it would bore me to be the salvation of cattle like you. Take my advice, though. Don't buy the crap that's slung into your faces by two-bit wart-healers!” He jabbed his cane at Papa Salvatino, who stood open-mouthed in the aisle, a litter of paper cups and fans and Bibles spreading out from his feet. "Find your own answers, your own salvation. If you can't do that,” said Donnell, "then to Hell with you.”.
Lucius Shepard