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Meme Quotes
Burton sighed, laughed loudly, and said, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.” Another fairy tale to give men hope. The old religions have been discredited - although some refuse to face even that fact - so new ones must be invented.”.
Philip José Farmer
Humans are just barely intelligent tool users; Darwinian evolutionary selection stopped when language and tool use converged, leaving the average hairy meme carrier sadly deficient in smarts.
Charles Stross
Certainly almost everything we do and think is colored in some way by memes, but it is important to realize that not everything we experience is a meme. If I walk down the street and see a tree, the basic perception that's going on is not memetic.
Susan Blackmore
All the same we take our chances, Laughed at by time, tricked by circumstances, Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, The more that things change, the more they stay the same. -- Circumstances (1978)
Neil Peart
Do you think I'd roll over and spray crap out my ass and show my belly and piss on myself and bow down to you? You just summoned war. So get ready. And I'm just asking the Pentagon and the patriots that are left and 4Chan and 8Chan and Anonymous and anybody that's a patriot. I am under attack. And if they bring me down, they'll bring you down. I just have faith in you. I'm under attack. And I summon the meme war, I summon it all against the enemy. I will never sell out to these people.
Alex Jones
Tout de même, it is not necessary that he should be killed on the Orient Express. There are other places.
Agatha Christie
Tout de même,” said Poirot, "since I cannot find anything, eh bien, then the logic falls out of the window.
Agatha Christie
It is erroneous to consider the multiplication (or increase) of needs as a sign of progress, to think that it is necessary to arouse in the people still unpolished (or rough), new needs to bring them to a more civilised life. Similarly ("de même", Fr.) it is erroneous to expect (or want, or wish, - "vouloir," Fr.) to measure (or assess) the degree of culture of a man to the degree of refinement he make (or deploy, or unfold) in his methods ("modes", Fr.) of pleasure.
African Spir
An Internet meme is a hijacking of the original idea. Instead of mutating by random change and spreading by a form of Darwinian selection, Internet memes are altered deliberately by human creativity. There is no attempt at accuracy of copying, as with genes - and as with memes in their original version.
Richard Dawkins
God exists, if only in the form of a meme with high survival value, or infective power, in the environment provided by human culture.
Richard Dawkins
Involuntarily and without any definite motive, I had a thought that often occurs to me. Not only did I begin drawing relatively late in life, but it may also be that I shall not live for so very many years to come... I think I may presume without rashness: that my body will keep a certain number of years "quand bien meme" - a certain number, say between six and ten years for instance... This is the period on which I reckon firmly.
Vincent van Gogh
Very often, when leaders repeat things over and over, they are preparing you for when that meme actually emerges in reality.
Timothy D. Snyder
When Richard Dawkins first published his idea of a meme, he made it clear he was speaking of "a unit of imitation"... Memes were supposed to be exclusive triumphs of humanity. But memes come in two different kinds-behavioral and verbal. ...behavioral memes began brain-hopping long before there were such things as human minds.
Howard Bloom
Any time you try to create an Internet meme, automatic fail. That's like the worst thing you can do.
John Hodgman
When you get into statistical analysis, you don't really expect to achieve fame. Or to become an Internet meme. Or be parodied by 'The Onion' - or be the subject of a cartoon in 'The New Yorker.' I guess I'm kind of an outlier there.
Nate Silver
I first became aware of this larger phenomenon in the wake of the bombing of a federal office building in Oklahoma City. In the days and weeks to follow, I got dozens of calls from the press asking me whether there was legislation pending to ban bomb information on the Net. [...] In reality, of course, the "Internet as threat" meme was generated and disseminated primarily by the press itself.
Mike Godwin
So I'm well aware that there are certain people frustrated with the endings of my books. I can remember at the time I was writing it, I told a friend of mine that the climax of Snow Crash was now longer than Moby-Dick: There's a helicopter that gets brought down; there's a private jet that blows up; some people die; there's confrontation and a girl goes home with her mom - so it seems like a good ending to me. [audience laughter] Once you write a book or two with controversial endings - and that meme gets going, of "Stephenson can't write endings” - then that gets slapped on everything that you do no matter how elaborate the ending is. I think Anathem does OK on that score. I'm sure that I'll be hearing from some of the "Stephenson can't write endings” people, but I think that it has a decent enough ending.
Neal Stephenson
The promise of survival beyond individual death or dispersion appeals to the most primal driving force of existence. Promises of transcendence have evolved out of the thriving desire to ward off the inevitable threat of individual death. Most systems propose a more or less perfect immortality – one where memories, hopes, desires, knowledge and even experiences survive the death of the physical body. An engagement and acceptance of this meme makes death particularly irrelevant. The upholding of the promise at the cost of individual sacrifice becomes acceptable. Individual sacrifices even become necessary in validating the promise.
Anand Gandhi