Charleston Quotes
All I can say is that the fake news just doesn't get it, do they? They don't get it. [inaudible 00:02:54] They just don't get it. Hello Charleston, and I'm thrilled to be back in the great state of South Carolina with thousands of hardworking American Patriots who believe in faith, family, God, and country. Thank you. It's a phenomenal crowd, only topped by the number of people outside that didn't get in. If anybody would like to give up where you're standing or your seat, please raise your hand. All right. Then let's begin, right? Thank you all very much though. This is great. No, they don't get it. Down the road, they have a rally for one of the people that are going to be running tomorrow. They're trying to get to a hundred, but they're not going to make it. So I think they're going to set up a round table. Well, that's what they do. So people want to go to a rally, they end up sitting at a round table talking about their definition of impeachment. Crazy.
Donald Trump much joy to the world...and the system, meaning the record companies, totally took advantage of me.
This is very important, what we're fighting for, because I'm tired, I'm really REALLY tired of manipulation.
I'm tired of the how the press is manipulating everything that's been happening to this situation.
They do not tell the truth, they lie. They manipulate, they manipulate our history books.
The history books are not true: it's a lie. The history books are lying. You need to know that, you must know that.
All the forms of popular music: from jazz to hip-hop to be-bop to .. to SOUL.
To um, uh, dances, from the cake-walk. to the jitter-bug, to the Charleston, to uh, breakdancing.
All of these are forms of black dancing.
Michael Jackson