Quotes of the day
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Isbn Quotes
L'oeil nomade ("Nomad's Eye"), CCFAR, Djibouti 1997, ISBN 2-7384-5222-1.
Abdourahman Waberi
Rift, routes, rails ("Rifts, Roads and Rails"), Gallimard, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-07-076023-5.
Abdourahman Waberi
Transit, Gallimard, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-07-076874-0.
Abdourahman Waberi
Luther's Works, Church and Ministry III, American Ed., Helmut T. Lehman, Eric W. Gritsch, eds., Augsburg Fortress Press, 1966, Vol. 41:279. ISBN 0800603419 ISBN 9780800603410.
Martin Luther
Canada's Founding Debates, Edited By Janet Ajzenstat, et al, University of Toronto Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8020-8607-1.
Thomas D'Arcy McGee
Rossa's Recollections 1838 to 1898: Memoirs of an Irish Revolutionary by O'Donovan Rossa. Published by Globe Pequot, 2004. ISBN 1-59228-362-4.
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa
God or Nothing: A Conversation on Faith (Ignatius Press; Sew edition (September 1, 2015)) by Cardinal Robert Sarah (Author), Nicolas Diat (Author) ISBN 978-1621640509.
Robert Sarah
The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise (Ignatius Press; Paperback edition (April 15, 2017)) by Cardinal Robert Sarah (Author), Nicolas Diat (Author) ISBN 978-1621641919.
Robert Sarah
Nico Perrone, in Globalisation and Welfare, edited by Bent Greve and Jesper Jespersen, Roskilde, Roskolde University Press, 2004 ISBN 87-7867-272-4.
Nico Perrone
"The Letters of Ignatius Sancho", edited by P. Edwards and P. Rewt; Edinburgh University Press (1994) ISBN 0748604537.
Ignatius Sancho
"The Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African", Penguin Classics (1998) ISBN 0140436375.
Ignatius Sancho
Rosenberg, Teya; Hixon, Martha P.; Scapple, Sharon M.; White, Donna R. Diana Wynne Jones - An Exciting and Exacting Wisdom (New York: Peter Lang, 2002). ISBN 082045687X.
Diana Wynne Jones
Les Nomades, mes frères vont boire à, la Grande Ourse ("The Nomads: My brothers go drinking in the Grande Ourse") Hachette Education, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-7085-0231-X.
Abdourahman Waberi
Jones, Howard (2003). Death of a Generation: How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195052862.
Madame Nhu
de la Plante, Allan; Lecours, Pierre (1982). Villeneuve. Macmillan. ISBN 0-7715-9851-3.
Gilles Villeneuve
"No wonder a few people in Cross Plains don't like him. They don't understand him. His preoccupation with history and with writing instead of the price of corn and cotton is something they could not understand Could I? I liked to talk about books. . . History. . . Writing. Well, this was an opportunity to listen to a very interesting storyteller!" ~ Novalyne Price Ellis, One Who Walked Alone, p. 64, ISBN 093798678X.
Robert E. Howard
..."all these criticisms fade like morning mist before Howard's headlong rush of action, his rainbow-tinted prose, the intensity with which he wrote his own feelings into his stories, and, above all, his Hyborian world – that splendid creation – which ranks with Burroughs' Barsoom and Tolkien's Middle Earth as a major fictional achievement." ~ L. Sprague de Camp, Dark Valley Destiny, p. 295, 1983, ISBN 0312940742.
Robert E. Howard
Moisson de crânes ("Harvest of Skulls"), Serpent à plumes, Paris 2004 ISBN 2-7538-0020-0.
Abdourahman Waberi
"We have all been affected as composers, as teachers, as musicians by recordings to an extent that cannot possibly be calculated as yet or predicted for the future. The music which is being most widely disseminated and most widely discussed, and therefore most widely imitated and influential, is that music which is available on records. The music that is only published is very little known. I don't think one can possibly exaggerate the extent to which the climate of music today is determined by the fact that the total Webern is available on records, that the total Schoenberg is becoming available." Quoted in Classic Essays on Twentieth-Century Music, ISBN 0028645812.
Milton Babbitt
Murray, Pauli (1956). Proud Shoes: The Story Of An American Family, Harper & Brothers, New York. ISBN 0-8070-7209-5.
Pauli Murray
Murray, Pauli (Davison Douglas, ed., 2d ed. 1997). States' Law on Race and Color, University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0-8203-1883-7.
Pauli Murray
"Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories", August 2007, ISBN: 978-1-59451-307-7. Review by Chomsky: Even those who are familiar with the grim reality of the occupied territories will quickly be drawn into a world they had barely imagined by these vivid, searingly honest, intensely acute portrayals.
Noam Chomsky