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Gestalt Quotes - page 2
There is always a point at which the terrorist ceases to manipulate the media gestalt. A point at which the violence may well escalate, but beyond which the terrorist has become symptomatic of the media gestalt itself. Terrorism as we ordinarily understand it is innately media-related.
William Gibson
Function and purpose define architecture as a practical arrangement, while form defines architecture as a manifestation of apparition. The world of appariation that we cannot exist without (Max Horkheimer), is a psychological issue related to form. (Funktion und Zweck definieren Architektur als praktisches Bauwerk, die Gestalt definiert Architektur als Erscheinungsform. Die Welt der Erscheinungen, ohne die wir nicht leben können (Max Horkheimer), ist ein gestaltpsychologisches Problem.)
Justus Dahinden
I think it is absolute and unimpeachable testimony to a book's impact on us that we are able to associate it so keenly with the time and the surroundings and the circumstances in which we read it. Only a very great work can produce this memory; [...] There is what psychologists call a gestalt, an unforgettability of interwoven emotions with which the work will ever in recollection be connected with the environment. Somehow the excitement of reading All the King's Men is always linked in my mind with the howling blizzard outside and the snow piling up in a solid white impacted mass outside my basement window. [...] I finished All the King's Men as in a trance, knowing once and for all that I, too, however falteringly and incompletely, must try to work such magic.
William Styron