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Bodybuilding Quotes
I didn't leave bodybuilding until I felt that I had gone as far as I could go. It will be the same with my film career. When I feel the time is right, I will then consider public service. I feel that the highest honor comes from serving people and your country.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The success I have achieved in bodybuilding, motion pictures, and business would not have been possible without the generosity of the American people and the freedom here to pursue your dreams.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
I never excelled at one sport or had a very strong passion for anything other than wrestling and bodybuilding.
Dave Bautista
Gold's was the first bodybuilding gym made for bodybuilders.
Joe Gold
I've always been into bodybuilding and keeping in shape, and I just challenge myself to see if I can continue to make improvements.
Kevin Nash
Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it.
Camille Paglia
Just like in bodybuilding, failure is also a necessary experience for growth in our own lives, for if we're never tested to our limits, how will we know how strong we really are? How will we ever grow?
Arnold Schwarzenegger
When they get a 50-inch waist and a gorilla butt, it's ugly looking - and I think bodybuilding has become ugly looking.
Joe Gold
Bodybuilding saved my life because I overcame the nerd stage. I got picked on. I was fascinated with power, and then I decided to take that direction because I knew that would make me feel good about myself.
Lou Ferrigno
I was a personal trainer for about a decade. I competed in powerlifting, and I did a bodybuilding competition. I was heavily entrenched in the personal training world.
Matt McGorry
The whole reason I did a bodybuilding show was to see how far I could push my own discipline. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. When I made the switch to acting, I was able to break that down into small, measurable goals like I did with bodybuilding.
Matt McGorry
Someone could have an outstanding comprehension of a bodybuilding diet and a background in nutrition but not have the work ethic and desire to put it into practice. That person won't be as successful as the person who understands some basics and puts them into action regularly.
Robert Cheeke
That whole world, the world of bodybuilding to me is fascinating. It's such a unique and interesting culture, and everything about it appeals to me.
Mark Wahlberg
Voting for politicians who tell you what you want to hear has all but destroyed civilization, giving in to outrage in the hope of avoiding trouble has all but destroyed freedom, and looking for the easy road to success in bodybuilding has all but destroyed the actually great potential value of weight training.
Arthur Jones (inventor)
People can say whatever they want about the sport of bodybuilding, but to get prepared to do a contest or even think about doing a contest, or even to get into decent shape, it requires a certain amount of discipline, and it comes from taking a new year's resolution to a lifestyle.
John Cena
But it is also true that Iris Kyle looked fantastic by traditional and accepted - meaning REAL - bodybuilding standards and would have won the contest if it had been using actual bodybuilding rules.
Iris Kyle
Now, it is not certain that Iris should have beaten Valentina for the title. But it is clear that they were the two best competitors on the stage, and the outcome of the class should have been determined by a series of careful comparisonsof these two outstanding bodybuilders. The fact that it didn't - that Iris was overlooked and ignored - just shows this was not a real bodybuilding contest, that the "guidelines" are inappropriate and detrimental to the development of female bodybuilding, and that using these rules they might as well have put a sign on Iris that said, "Don't vote for her, she's too big and hard."
Iris Kyle
A lot of bodybuilding fans were expecting this to be Iris Kyle's year. After being ignored and overlook for several years - in part due to the infamous "guidelines" she had won the heavyweight Ms. Olympia last fall in Las Vegas and in the opinion of many (but, of course, not the the opinion of all) should have taken the overall. In addition, nobody could remember Iris coming into a contest in the past few years in anything but her best shape. So it seemed unlikely she would "beat herself" in the contest. Many were expecting yet another showdown between Iris and Vicky Gates. Certainly, if Vicky could bring up her legs a bit more and achieve the kind of hardness and definition Iris has become famous for, it might be quite a battle.
Iris Kyle
Iris has proved herself in dozens of competitions. She is at the highest caliber of female bodybuilding, and no other woman quite matches up to her superior muscularity and physique. She is always shredded, thanks to her conditioning. Iris has a tall frame that she just layers the muscle on, which dwarfs the rest of the competitors. Guaranteed victory.
Iris Kyle
Can anyone beat the champ? Sure, but it'll take Iris being off. She's left a legacy on female bodybuilding and is virtually impossible to beat when in condition. If she takes top honors it will be her sixth Ms. International title, a record unmatched by anyone including the men. I'd wager on history being made at this year's Ms. International.
Iris Kyle
Back to women's bodybuilding, Yaxeni Oriquen took second again to Iris. The two were friendly on stage even as they continue to battle each other for titles.
Iris Kyle
Most people who follow female bodybuilding think Iris Kyle is on another level and pretty much a lock for first place.
Iris Kyle