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Signifying Quotes - page 2
Out, out brief candle, life is but a walking shadow... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare
Whether or not our position fairly can be charged as "apolitical” depends entirely upon how one defines "political.” If "political” be taken in the narrow sense, as signifying those means and methods the world regularly accepts as normative for its doing of politics, then the position of me and mine clearly and is that of apoliticism. If, however, "political” be understood in the broad, etymological sense, as identifying whatever actions have public effect upon the life of the "city” (polis), then there are no grounds for accusing either "me” or any of "mine” of advocating apoliticism.
Vernard Eller
The esoteric doctrines for which the Eastern lotus stands have been perpetuated in modern Europe under the form of the rose. The rose and the lotus are yonic emblems, signifying primarily the maternal creative mystery, while the Easter lily is considered to be phallic. The Brahmin and Egyptian initiates, who undoubtedly understood the secret systems of spiritual culture whereby the latent centers of cosmic energy in man may be stimulated, employed the lotus blossoms to represent the spinning vortices of spiritual energy located at various points along the spinal column and called chakras, or whirling wheels, by the Hindus. Seven of these chakras are of prime importance and have their individual correspondences in the nerve ganglia and plexuses.
Manly Palmer Hall
As subjects, we are what the shape of the world produced by signs makes us become. Perhaps we are, somewhere, the deep impulse which generates semiosis. And yet we recognize ourselves only as semiosis in progress, signifying systems and communicational processes. The map of semiosis, as defined at a given stage of historical development (with the debris carried over from previous semiosis), tells us who we are and what (or how) we think.
Umberto Eco
But here shewed our courteous Lord the moaning and the mourning of the soul, signifying thus: I know well thou wilt live for my love, joyously and gladly suffering all the penance that may come to thee; but in as much as thou livest not without sin thou wouldest suffer, for my love, all the woe, all the tribulation and distress that might come to thee. And it is sooth. But be not greatly aggrieved with sin that falleth to thee against thy will. And here I understood that that the Lord beholdeth the servant with pity and not with blame. For this passing life asketh not to live all without blame and sin.
Julian of Norwich
A piece of vainglorious sub-industrial steel gigantism, signifying nothing.... [artists] may be imaginative... not more than a poet. Poets do not make millions.
Anish Kapoor