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Wiki Quotes
Global collaboration is something that Wiki mastered in a small way and here we can master it in a big way.
Ward Cunningham
Why have a locked wiki when you can instead just post static Web pages?
Ward Cunningham
When I was at Tek, I was frustrated that computer hardware was being improved faster than computer software. I wanted to invent some software that was completely different, that would grow and change as it was used. That's how wiki came about.
Ward Cunningham
The absolute deterioration of the wiki concept is just a matter of time. Once spam mechanisms are developed to eat into these systems, the caretakers will be too busy to stop the public-driven deterioration.
John C. Dvorak
A wiki is like a party that doesn't have to stop. It's a party that doesn't get crowded because new rooms appear when needed. It's a timeless party where you can try each conversation over and over until you get it right.
Ward Cunningham
Wiki has a feel of brainstorming, though it's not as interactive. You can do 10 minutes of brainstorming, and 30 minutes of analysis of the product of that brainstorming, and have something in 45 minutes. The pace on wiki is slower. You could write a page about an idea, or maybe a page about a bunch of ideas. Then you could come back in a week and see what's developed on that page.
Ward Cunningham
In the months before I made wiki, we had been having an argument. I think Kent Beck and I were on one side. People who had a lot of faith in the prevailing dogma of software engineering were on the other side. We said, "Collective code ownership is good." They said, "That's ridiculous. You'll never get responsibility. You'll never get quality if you don't have responsibility. And the only way you'll get responsibility is ownership. You have to pin the bugs back on somebody if you want them to ever rise above producing bugs."
Ward Cunningham
Top down hierarchies make communication work when it is expensive, I hope that wiki can be a flagship in this move in the industry to produce computer support for this kind of work and evolve organizational forms.
Ward Cunningham
The blogosphere is a community that might produce a work. Whereas a wiki is a work that might produce a community. It's all just people communicating.
Ward Cunningham
The decisions I made designing wiki were very much inspired by my desire to create a model for the collaborative process I thought should happen in large code bases. I wanted wiki to mimic that.
Ward Cunningham
Wiki pages are very much free form. Across the whole wiki there is a hypertext structure, but on a given page, within the versatility of your command of your natural language, you can say whatever needs to be said.
Ward Cunningham
What you get as a wiki reader is access to people who had no voice before.
Ward Cunningham
A wiki is a work sustained by a community.
Ward Cunningham
One's words are a gift to the community. For the wiki nature to take whole, you have to let go of your words. You have to be okay with that. This goes into the name, called refactoring. To collaborate on a work, one must trust. The reason the cooperation happens is we are people and it is deep in our nature to do things together.
Ward Cunningham
With wiki, you have to trust people more than you have any reason to trust them. In 1995, it was a safer environment, don't know if I could have launched wiki today.
Ward Cunningham
Wiki is like a leaky bucket of information. It's losing information every day. But more information is coming in, so the net is positive. Even if it can lose things, wiki always has more to say than it did the day before.
Ward Cunningham
What happens if that big [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_wall_(politics)#Red_wall red wall] is ever breached? If it is, our state and our country will fundamentally change and we can never, ever let that happen. The Republican Party must remain a bulwark against European democratic socialism which unfortunately the Democratic Party has become. In order top do that we have to grow our party, and we have to grow it among young people and among minorities, we have to become more inclusive, but what I mean by that is we do not abandon our ideas, we need to stand even more firm.
Glenn Jacobs
What can we say about metaphysical naturalism? Again, I want to make two points. # My arguments for the existence of God show that metaphysical naturalism is not true. There is a personal, transcendent reality beyond the physical universe. # Secondly, I think that metaphysical naturalism is so contrary to reason and experience as to be absurd. In the following arguments, the first premise in every case is taken from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Rosenberg Dr. Rosenberg]'s own book.
William Lane Craig
The culture at Valve is pretty much crowdsourced. The handbook is a wiki. One of the first things we say to new hires is, 'You have to change something in the handbook.'
Gabe Newell
Syntax highlighting is juvenile. When I was a child, I was taught arithmetic using [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuisenaire_rods colored rods]. I grew up and today I use monochromatic numerals.
Rob Pike
Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company United Fruit], convincing me once again of just how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.
Che Guevara
My specific purpose for the first wiki was to create an environment where we might link together each other's experience to discover the pattern language of programming.
Ward Cunningham