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Yogi Quotes - page 2
Our early ancestors in Africa were arboreal troop-monkeys, living on a diet of fruit (to quote Yogi Bear, 'Nuts and berries! Nuts and berries! Yech!') and insects. When you wander around the house, not particularly hungry, but looking for something to munch on idly, what you are most likely seeking unconsciously are bugs. Most of our most popular snack foods (Fiddle-Faddle comes to mind, and small pretzels) resemble and have the same 'mouth feel' as bugs. You can take the monkey out of the trees, but you can't take the tree monkey out of humanity.
L. Neil Smith
The mind of a yogi is under his control; he is not under the control of his mind.
Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, in a right way, for maximum results. It's a program that the mind begins to experience its own finer impressions, finer thoughts, and then finally transcends the finest thought. And that is the level of what they call self-referral pure consciousness, which is the ultimate reality of life, pure intelligence from where the creation emerges, from where the administration of life is maintained, from where physical expression of the universe has its basis. Quoted from: w:Larry King Weekend, Interview With Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
I have some interest in spiritualism. I believe in Sai Baba. I believe in Mahesh Yogi. I believe in naked fakirs.
Ramnath Goenka
You meet them, you see them, you understand them and you know what they stand for; and whether stand for some principles, like Ramana Maharishi, Swami Muktananda, and Sai Baba. You can't have anything but admiration for such great men. You learn from them. For instance, Mahesh Yogi, he teaches you meditation and it's great science and great yoga. So, as a person interested in yoga or spiritualism. I came to know them, and to be in their company.
Ramnath Goenka
When asked what would he do if he found 1 million, Yogi responded, If the guy was poor, I'd give it back.
Yogi Berra
Yogi saw three of his players in the locker room wearing Cone Head hats. Yogi said, Those guys make a pair.
Yogi Berra
Yogi ordered a pizza. The waitress asked How many pieces do you want your pie cut Yogi responded, Four. I don't think I could eat eight.
Yogi Berra
Using siddhis (powers) is not good for those who possess them. It can also trap the mind into desires. By being pure in mind siddhis will come by itself, and a yogi should not try to show his powers. First thing is to have siddhis and then not to get trapped in siddhis.
Baba Hari Dass
Take new values : Leave behind a legend to be followed by those who follow you. Be a yogi - don't be an ordinary person.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Unorthodox though he might be, Gandhi fitted into the traditional pattern of the sanyassi who practices non‑attachment in the search for Truth; he was the karma yogin, the man who perfects and purifies himself through action.
George Woodcock
Sting: "She's outrageous, she's provocative, she's inscrutable. And over the years, we've all been witnessed to her evolution, from street smart kid sister to virgin bride, from sex goddess to a yogi. Her mind is as celebrated as her body, she's as feared as she's desired, she leads while others follow... A woman who is all woman, and all women."
Madonna (entertainer)
It is not good for ordinary people to say, "I am He." The waves belong to the water. Does the water belong to the waves? The upshot of the whole thing is that, no matter what path you follow, yoga is impossible unless the mind becomes quiet. The mind of a yogi is under his control; he is not under the control of his mind.