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Wheelchair Quotes - page 2
If I can be an inspiration for someone, that's fine, but just don't look down on me. Don't say, 'Oh, you're in a wheelchair.
Mark Zupan
We're normal people. Don't be scared because we are in a chair. People don't understand that. They think, 'Oh, a wheelchair, something's wrong with their heads, something's just not right.' Well yeah, we may be a little twisted, but no more than anyone else.
Mark Zupan
People aren't familiar with wheelchair sports. The only film crew in Athens for the Paralympics was the documentary crew.
Mark Zupan
My father and mother are both very smart people and I always felt I was a little short of the mark. So I would compensate with a character like Logan Cale. He's wearing glasses, he's in a wheelchair, he's a computer genius. He's very far away from who I am, but I really wanted to play roles where I'd be taken seriously.
Michael Weatherly
There are people I would like to work with. It's a bit harder, because I live out in the sticks anyway, and plus being in a wheelchair means that I can't really circulate. So I tend to stick to my own thing.
Robert Wyatt
I can see myself as a very old man in a terrific wheelchair. Only, I won't be photographing the tree outside my window, the way Steichen did. I'll be photographing other old people.
Richard Avedon
My disability exists not because I use a wheelchair, but because the broader environment isn't accessible.
Stella Young
My dad was in a wheelchair and on oxygen for the last few years of his life.
Steve Earle
Does anyone know if Lamborghini makes wheelchair vehicles? If not, I want to change that.
Steve Gleason
You can really do amazing things in a wheelchair. It's very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, but you can even go up and down stairs in a wheelchair.
William Forsythe
She talked to me like I was just like any other student, not a kid in a wheelchair.
Sharon M. Draper
By the way, there is nothing cute about a pink wheelchair. Pink doesn't change a thing.
Sharon M. Draper
Sometimes I wonder if I'm as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries.
Stephen Hawking
Being in a wheelchair for 30 years. I'm not whining about it because I don't dwell on things I can't do anything about, you know. I never really think about until somebody mentions it. I did take a bullet.
Larry Flynt
There's still so much more to do. I can't sit back and be complacent, and none of us should be. I get around now in a wheelchair, but I get around.
Elizabeth Taylor
My bike is my gym, my wheelchair and my church all in one. I'd like to ride my bike all day long but I've got this thing called a job that keeps getting in the way.
Bill Walton
Commuting in a wheelchair is not easy. I live in a very old part of Rome. These cobbles everywhere... terrible! In London, it is the same. Every pavement is uneven.
Bernardo Bertolucci
I typically start out almost every speech I give making some kind of joke about me being in a wheelchair.
Greg Abbott
The worst kind of non-smoker is the one when you're smoking and they just walk up to you [mocks a person faking a cough] I always say 'shit, you're lucky you don't smoke. That's a hell of a cough you got there. I smoke all day and don't cough like that. Maybe you were conceived with a weak sperm or somethin'. Maybe your dad was jackin' off and your mom sat on it at the last second.' Did I overreact? I don't think I did. I think that's kind of cruel, I'm smoking and you come up coughing at me, Jesus. Do you go up to crippled people and start dancing too, you fuck? [starts dancing] Hey Mr. Wheelchair, what's your problem? C'mon iron-side, race ya. Fuckin' sadists. I mean the nerve!
Bill Hicks