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Premiere Quotes - page 3
Sometimes I think some of my fellow novelists who have not worked in television and film are very naive about this process. They get an offer and there's the dump truck full of money and they sign it, they cash the check and then they're not involved in the series. They may get invited to the premiere and they come out of the premiere looking like all of their children had just been gassed, with a stunned look on their face because everything has been changed.
George R. R. Martin
They may get invited to the premiere and they come out of the premiere looking like all of their children had just been gassed, with a stunned look on their face because everything has been changed.
George R. R. Martin
Every year, the Friday before the new Saturday-morning shows would premiere, the networks would do this big preview special, and I was always glued to the TV. As horrible as they were, they were entertaining at the time. There was a lot of showmanship from the networks based around the new lineup.
Seth MacFarlane
George Bernard Shaw is said to have told W. S. C.: Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend-if you have one. W. S. C. to G. B. S.: Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend the second-if there is one.
George Bernard Shaw
Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend if you have one. Telegram inviting Winston Churchill to opening night of Pygmalion. Churchill wired back Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend the second if there is one.
George Bernard Shaw
I love getting dressed up doing the whole premiere look.
Josh Hutcherson
I told about Vasyl to French composer Pierre Thilloy, my good acquaintance, and offered him to write a small piece. He creates music which is easy to listen to, and he agreed immediately and said he would like to visit the premiere.
Vasyl Slipak
When the movie comes out, what anybody thinks of it doesn't really matter to me. I don't go to the wrap party. I don't go to the premiere.
Henry Rollins
I think I have just always had an awareness that when you go to a premiere and people start cheering and shouting your name and stuff, they are shouting at a perception of you that they have.
Daniel Radcliffe
George Bernard Shaw is said to have told W. S. C.: Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend-if you have one. W. S. C. to G. B. S.: Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend the second-if there is one.
Winston Churchill
In autumn 2011 on BBC Radio 4 BBC produced a 13-episode radio play based on the novel "Life and Fate" which became a bestseller in the U.K. In Russia in 2012, the novel was filmed as a television series that aired nationally. Its premiere was successful of the audience: according to research firm TNS Russia, bringing in about 20 percent of Moscow viewers 18 and over.
Vasily Grossman