Patron Quotes - page 3
On our return homewards, Shelley urged Byron to complete something he had begun. Byron smiled and replied,
"John Murray, my patron and paymaster, says my plays won't act. I don't mind that, for I told him they were not written for the stage-but he adds, my poesy won't sell: that I do mind, for I have an ‘itching palm.' He urges me to resume my old ‘Corsair style, to please the ladies.' John Murray is right, if not righteous: all I have yet written has been for women-kind; you must wait until I am forty, their influence will then die a natural death, and I will show the men what I can do.”.
Lord Byron
This is believed to be the completest list of this voluminous, prosiack, and driveling monk, that can be truth, and fact, these stupid and fatigueing productions, which by no means deserve the name of poetry, and their stil more stupid and disgusting author, who disgraces the name and patronage of his master Chaucer, are neither worth collecting (unless it be as typographical curiositys, or on account of the beautyful illuminations in some of his presentation copys), not even worthy of preservation: being only suitablely adapted "ad ficum & piperem," and other more bare and servile uses. How little he profited by the correction, or instructions of his great patron is manifest in almost every part of his elaborate drawlings, in which there are scarcely three lines together of pure and acurate metre.
Joseph Ritson