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Claire Quotes - page 2
I think I'd fall for you no matter what, Claire. You're kind of awesome.
Rachel Caine
Oh, Claire," he said. "You think me a far better man than I am. That's kind, and flattering." "Are you saying that you -" "Doughnuts!" Myrnin interrupted her and darted away, to zip back in seconds with an open box.
Rachel Caine
I'm taking off my shoes.'' ‘‘Fine. Shoes off.'' ‘‘And my pants.'' ‘‘Don't push it, Claire.
Rachel Caine
No. --Claire Bullshit! Yes, a world of yes. --Eve.
Rachel Caine
I think so,” she [Claire] said. "Just watch your back, okay?” "Nah, Michael's got mine.” He [Shane] looked straight into her eyes. "I've got yours.
Rachel Caine
Hold on, Claire Bear! Next stop, Crazytown!
Rachel Caine
Hannah: What's your plan? Claire: Go get him Hannah: Honey, that is not a plan. That's what we in the military call an objective.
Rachel Caine
I knew you'd come, Claire. I knew you would. Dear God, you took your time.
Rachel Caine
Well," Claire said, "at least we have tacos. Everything goes better with tacos.
Rachel Caine
Okay," Claire finally said. "I admit, he has significant ninja qualities." "Booyah. I will summon the ninja. Oh, and take a lunch break while we burgle." "You're going too?" "Am I not ninja enough? Are you saying that I lack ninja?
Rachel Caine
Saint Claire, the patron saint of the kick-me sign.
Rachel Caine
Myrnin: "There is no drama so great as that of a teenage girl." Claire: "Except yours.
Rachel Caine
Hang on - Slow down. I'm not going anywhere. You know that, right? You don't have to put out to keep me here. Well, as long as you eventually..." Shane said. "Shut up" Claire said.
Rachel Caine
This won't stop her from getting elected," Shane said. "Stupider people get elected all the time. It's America. We love the sleazy. And the crazy." "I would like to think better of us," Claire said, "but yeah. You're right.
Rachel Caine
What's her name? Claire, what's her name?
Rachel Caine
Myrnin to Claire: "If anyone comes to bite you while I'm gone - well, try not to attract attention. Die quietly.
Rachel Caine
claire:dont do anything dumb or ill kill you myself shane:ouch girl whatever happend to unconditional love around here.
Rachel Caine
Oh, he is cute!” Shane said in a fake girly voice. "Gee, maybe we can ask him out!” "Shut up, you weasel. Claire, hit him!
Rachel Caine
You're not going to suck.'' ‘‘Not at the guitar, anyway,'' Shane said, deadpan. Claire punched him in the arm. ‘‘Ow.
Rachel Caine
Claire signed. "Go ahead. And thanks. Oh, and be careful?" "Please. I am the queen of careful. Also, princess of punk fabulousness."
Rachel Caine
Parents had some kind of sin radar, Claire thought. They always called when you were in the middle of something you just knew they'd consider wrong. Or at least risky.
Rachel Caine
Shane talking to Claire - "In this whole screwed up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," He whispered. "I love you, Claire.
Rachel Caine