Samuel Quotes - page 2
Now as they were going along and talking, they espied a Boy feeding his Father's Sheep. The Boy was in very mean Cloaths, but of a very fresh and well-favoured Countenance, and as he sate by himself he sung. Hark, said Mr Greatheart, to what the Shepherd's boy saith. So they hearkened, and he said-
: He that is down needs fear no fall;
He that is low, no pride;
He that is humble, ever shall
Have God to be his guide. I am content with what I have,
Little be it or much:
And, Lord, contentment still I crave,
Because thou savest such. Fulness to such a burthen is,
That go on pilgrimage;
HERE little, and HEREAFTER bliss,
Is best from age to age.
:* "The Shepherd Boy's Song", in Part II, Ch. VI : The Valley of Humiliation; comparable to: "I am not now in fortune's power: He that is down can fall no lower", Samuel Butler, Hudibras (1663), Part i, Canto iii, Line 877.
John Bunyan