Homo Quotes - page 4
Being absolute, the supreme Principle is ipso facto infinite; the masculine body accentuates the first aspect, and the feminine body the second. On the basis of these two hypostatic aspects, the divine Principle is the source of all possible perfection; in other words, being the Absolute and the Infinite, It is necessarily also Perfection or the Good. Now each of the two bodies, the masculine and the feminine, manifests modes of perfection which their respective gender evokes by definition; indeed, all cosmic qualities are divided into two complementary groups: the rigorous and the gentle, the active and the passive, the contractive and the expansive. The human body is an image of Deliverance: now the liberating way maybe either "virile" or "feminine", although it is not possible to have a strict line of demarcation between the two modes, for man (homo, anthropos) is always man; the non-material being that was the primordial androgyne survives in each of us.
Frithjof Schuon
There are three root races of homo sapiens on this earth. Although arguable, the commonly accepted scientific terms are: Caucasoid (White Aryan), Negroid (Black) and Mongoloid (Yellow or Red), and of course, a myriad of mixtures. Negroids and Mongoloids and mixtures do not care one whit about the welfare or continued existence of Caucasoids, and properly so, for Nature declares each is concerned with his own. But under the influence of a universalist religion and imperialist capitalism, we, the White Aryans, have been totally indoctrinated with a misplaced compassion. So we have given food, technology, medicine, education, territory and even our women to the competitors who seek our extinction. It is absolute insanity in the eyes of Nature and Nature's God.
David Lane (white nationalist)