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Indivisible Quotes - page 4
This vast land which Islam has dismembered in due course into the separate states of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Hindustan, and Bangladesh had been a single indivisible whole since times immemorial. Bharatavarsha had been termed by the ancients as the cradle of varNãšrama-dharma, witness to the wheel of the caturyugas, and the kShetra for chakravãrtya, spiritual as well as political. This historical memory and cultural tradition was alive as late as the imperial Guptas. Kalidasa had clothed it in immortal poetry in his far-famed RaghuvaMša.
Sita Ram Goel
A system is more than the sum of its parts; it is an indivisible whole.
Russell L. Ackoff
Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart - one of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of man. Who has not, a hundred times, found himself committing a vile or a stupid action, for no other reason than because he knows he should not?
Edgar Allan Poe
One should become aware of oneself, indivisible, and perfect; free from identification with all things transient, such as one's body, functions, mind, and the sense of being the doer, for all these are the product of ignorance.
Adi Shankara
MONAD, n. The ultimate, indivisible unit of matter (see Molecule). The monad has body without bulk, and mind without manifestation containing all the powers and possibilities needful to his evolution into a German philosopher ...
Ambrose Bierce
I cannot conceive of a society in which children are not mistreated, but respected and lovingly cared for, that would develop an ideology of forgiveness for incomprehensible cruelties. This ideology is indivisible with the command "Thou shalt not be aware" [of the cruelty your parents inflicted to you] and with the repetition of that cruelty on the next generation.
Alice Miller (psychologist)
Any liberal system must proceed from the assumption that freedom is one and indivisible and that elementary human freedom in all spheres of life must go hand in hand with political, religious, economic and spiritual freedom. The strategy of collectivist thinking has always been to split up this most essential and most universal of human values as a means of making inroads into the free system itself.
Ludwig Erhard
Never before has the idea that peace is indivisible been so true as it is now. Peace is not unity in similarity but unity in diversity, in the comparison and conciliation of differences.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Freedom is an indivisible value and when the freedom of one is threatened the freedom of all is in jeopardy.
Walter Reuther
If I were to say every one of you is an Avatar, a few would be tickled, and many would consider it a blasphemy or a joke. The fact that God being One, Indivisible and equally in us all, we can be nought else but one, is too much for the duality-conscious mind to accept.
Meher Baba
When the bubble of ignorance bursts the self realizes its oneness with the indivisible Self. Words that proceed from the Source of Truth have real meaning. But when men speakthese words as their own, the words become meaningless.
Meher Baba
Freedom is indivisible. Whites can't enjoy their separate freedoms. They spend too much time and resources defending those freedoms instead of enjoying them.
Desmond Tutu
In our view, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights are indivisible, interdependent, and universal.
Raúl Castro
When a physiologist speaks now of the life of a plant or of an animal, he sees rather an agglomeration, a colony of millions of separate individuals than a personality one and indivisible.
Peter Kropotkin
The thinker makes a great mistake when he asks after cause and effect. They both together make up the indivisible phenomenon.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In one way or another, this is the oldest story in America the struggle to determine whether we, the people is a spiritual idea embedded in a political reality -- one nation, indivisible -- or merely a charade masquerading as piety and manipulated by the powerful and privileged to sustain their own way of life at the expense of others.
Bill Moyers
Superstring theory starts off by proposing a new answer to an old question: what are the smallest, indivisible constituents of matter?
Brian Greene
Great works of art are great by virtue of being syntheses of the world; they qualify as art by fusing form and contents into an indivisible whole; what they offer is not "discourse about," nor a cipher to be decoded, but a prolonged incitement to finesse.
Jacques Barzun
The point, being indivisible, occupies no space. That which occupies no space is nothing.
Leonardo da Vinci
The continuum is that which is divisible into indivisible that are infinitely divisible Physics.
Every soul that has perception is, though in different times and in different organs of sense and motion, still the same indivisible person.
Isaac Newton
I lay awake... listening to the rain drip from the eaves and thinking of the big map that hung from the top of the chalkboard in my primary school in Wilton, Connecticut, so many years ago, back in the days of cars, television, and air-conditioning. The states on this map were muted tones of pink, green, and yellow. Over it hung the flag that we pledged allegiance to every single morning. "One nation under God, indivisible..."
James Howard Kunstler