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Boldness Quotes - page 4
Boldness in itself is genius.
L. Ron Hubbard
People like leaders who look like they are dominant, optimistic, friendly to their friends, and quick on the trigger when it comes to enemies. They like boldness and despise the appearance of timidity and protracted doubt.
Daniel Kahneman
Dean Swift perceived that there was a spirit of romance mixed with all the works of the poets who preceded him; or, in other words, that they had drawn nature on the most pleasing side. There still therefore was a place left for him, who, careless of censure, should describe it just as it was, with all its deformities; he therefore owes much of his fame, not so much to the greatness of his genius, as to the boldness of it.
Oliver Goldsmith
I think Obama is handling his image very well, but I think he lacks boldness.
Helen Thomas
It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what might happen.
True boldness for Christ transcends all, it is indifference to the displeasure of either friends or foes. Boldness enables Christians to forsake all rather than Christ, and to prefer to offend all rather than to offend Him.
Jonathan Edwards (theologian)
A man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all the doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false.
Benjamin Franklin
Put a grain of boldness into everything you do.
Baltasar Gracián
A garden was the primitive prison, till man, with Promethean felicity and boldness, luckily sinned himself out of it.
Charles Lamb
Boldness is ever blind; for it seeth not dangers and inconveniences.
Francis Bacon
In civil business what first boldness what second and third boldness and yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness.
Francis Bacon
Boldness is a child of ignorance.
Francis Bacon
Boldness, without the rules of propriety, becomes insubordination.
In the cellars of the night, when the mind starts moving around old trunks of bad times, the pain of this and the shame of that, the memory of a small boldness is a hand to hold.
John Leonard
Daring is the price of progress. All splendid conquests are the prize of boldness, more or less.
Victor Hugo
If the mass of people hesitate to act, strike with swiftly and with boldness, the brave heart that understands and seizes opportunity can everything.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days.... What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
And you, fair nymphs of Tagus, parent stream, If ever your meadows were my pastoral theme, O come auspicious, and the song inspire With all the boldness of your hero's fire: Deep and majestic let the numbers flow, And, rapt to heaven, with ardent fury glow.
Luís de Camões
People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure. They are the brakes on the wheels of progress.
Norman Vincent Peale
The mind, ever the willing servant, will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources.
Norman Vincent Peale
There is something about boldness and fearlessness and being free enough to speak what is on one's mind that warrants freedom.
Cornel West
Part of the popularity with Louis Farrakhan has less to do with the content of his message and more to do with the form that he portrays himself - as being a free black person who speaks what is on his mind with boldness and fearlessness. Who is willing to pay the consequences.
Cornel West