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Hiv Quotes - page 4
We've put huge resources into predicting tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes. HIV/AIDS is like an earthquake that's lasted 30 years and touched every country on the planet. We have such incredible capacity to think about the future, it's time we used it to predict biological threats. Otherwise we'll be blindsided again and again.
Nathan Wolfe
Civil society must be strengthened to help raise awareness among people living with HIV, and those at risk, of their rights, and to ensure they have access to legal services and redress through the courts.
Shereen El Feki
Where you criminalize people living with HIV or those at greatest risk, you fuel the epidemic.
Shereen El Feki
Laws that treat people living with HIV or those at greatest risk with respect start with the way that we treat them ourselves: as equals. If we are going to stop the spread of HIV in our lifetime, then that is the change we need to spread.
Shereen El Feki
Culture Clash Dylan says when I meet his mother today I shouldn't mention that I'm Jewish. I say okay, but can I tell her about the HIV postive thing? He gives me a look. I give him one back.
Sonya Sones
I'm the cofounder of Keep a Child Alive. We provide medicine for families affected by HIV and AIDS in places like Africa and India.
Alicia Keys
I enjoy being the messenger for God in terms of letting people know about HIV and AIDS.
Magic Johnson
I'm not cured, but the HIV is asleep deep in my body.
Magic Johnson
I tell you, it's funny because the only time I think about HIV is when I have to take my medicine twice a day.
Magic Johnson
People keep asking me, "You mean you don't believe that HIV causes AIDS?" And I say, "Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant! I have no scientific evidence for it." I might believe in God, and He could have told me in a dream that HIV causes AIDS. But I wouldn't stand up in front of scientists and say, "I believe HIV causes AIDS because God told me." I'd say, "I have papers here in hand and experiments that have been done that can be demonstrated to others."
Kary Mullis
PCR made it easier to see that certain people are infected with HIV.
Kary Mullis
Does a social worker have an obligation to preserve confidentiality if an HIV positive client refuses to inform his/ her sexual partner of the infection (while persisting in behavior that puts the person at risk), or does the social worker have an obligation to warn the partner of the peril?
Charles Zastrow
I'm part of a team that raises millions of dollars and raises awareness of HIV and AIDS all over the world.
Linda Evangelista
Abstinence, being faithful and correct and consistent condom use are the only ways to successfully reach everyone when discussing HIV prevention. I believe that the abstinence message alone does not solve the AIDS epidemic.
Ashley Judd
Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions.
Serge Lang
Isn't it desperately sad that, at a time when we face formidable problems – poverty, HIV/AIDS, conflict – that the Anglican Communion can invest so much energy on disagreements about human sexuality? A communion that used to boast that one of its distinctive characteristics was something called comprehensiveness, that our communion, the Anglican Church, included just about everybody. Even if you had the most weird theology you could come in, you were allowed. And now we, who used to be held up in admiration by many because of this inclusiveness, are now spending time working out how we can excommunicate one another. God looks on and God weeps. God weeps.
Desmond Tutu
Housing Works is the coolest thrift store in the world, because not only are they the best thrift store - they're not the most thrifty thrift store - but they have amazing stuff and all of their proceeds go directly to kids, mostly homeless kids, living with AIDS and HIV in New York, in the metropolitan area.
Ezra Miller
The Global Fund is a central player in the progress being achieved on HIV, TB and malaria. It channels resources to help countries fight these diseases. I believe in its impact because I have seen it firsthand.
Bill Gates
Certainly the support for research in HIV/AIDS was good in the Clinton administration, good in the Bush administrations. It just was.
Anthony Fauci
The nature of a protective immune response to HIV is still unclear. Because in a very, very unique manner, unlike virtually any other microbe with which we're familiar, the HIV virus has evolved in a way that the immune system finds it very difficult, if not impossible, to deal with the virus.
Anthony Fauci
An AIDS-free generation would mean that virtually no child is born with HIV; that, as those children grow up, their risk of becoming infected is far lower than it is today; and that those who become infected can access treatment to help prevent them from developing AIDS and from passing the virus on to others.
Anthony Fauci
I run a modest-sized laboratory thats looking specifically at what we call the pathogenic mechanisms of HIV disease, or AIDS.
Anthony Fauci