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Lethal Quotes
In our new age of terrifying, lethal gadgets, which supplanted so swiftly the old one, the first great aggressive war, if it should come, will be launched by suicidal little madmen pressing an electronic button. Such a war will not last long and none will ever follow it. There will be no conquerors and no conquests, but only the charred bones of the dead on and uninhabited planet.
William L. Shirer
From the night, his solitude, the poet finds day and starts a diary that is lethal to the inert. The dark landscape yields a dialogue.
Salvatore Quasimodo
The sovereign state has in our times become a lethal danger to human civilization because technical developments enable it to employ an infinite number and variety of means of destruction.
Christian Lous Lange
No, in Lethal Weapon I was a taxi cab driver that Mel jumps in front of the taxi and pulls me out of the car and steals the taxi. Then I did some other indie driving for some of the car sequences.
David R. Ellis
Is the minor convenience of allowing the present generation the luxury of doubling its energy consumption every 10 years worth the major hazard of exposing the next 20,000 generations to this lethal waste?
David R. Brower
The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials.
Rachel Carson
A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people's time to look after them."
George Bernard Shaw
If it is true that we need a degree of certainty to get by, it is also true that too much of the stuff can be lethal.
Terry Eagleton
Whining is a virus, a lethal, infectious, epidemic disease.
Peter Høeg
Dennis Hutch had stepped up into the top seat when its founder had died of a lethal overdose of brick wall, taken while under the influence of a Ferrari and a bottle of tequila.
Douglas Adams
If the principle is, "Let's not get lethal substances out to the public", the first one you'd go after is tobacco. The next one you'd go after is alcohol. Way down the list you'd get to cocaine, and sort of invisibly low you'd get to marijuana.
Noam Chomsky
I had learned early to assume something dark and lethal hidden at the heart of anything I loved. When I couldn't find it, I responded, bewildered and wary, in the only way I knew how: by planting it there myself.
Tana French
If a little knowledge was a dangerous thing, a lot was lethal.
Tom Sharpe
It's probably a bad indicator of your lifestyle when you miss your ex-boyfriend because he's absolutely lethal.
Charlaine Harris
So is there any part of you that's not a lethal weapon? (Kiara) No. Even my wits are sharpened. (Nykyrian)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
An aggressor nation or extremist group could gain control of critical switches and derail passenger trains, or trains loaded with lethal chemicals.
Leon Panetta
But I think Prozac is a lethal drug, I've several friends just haven't made it by taking Prozac.
Bob Geldof
The risk presented by these lethal wastes is like no other risk, and we should not be expected to accept it or to project it into the future in order for manufacturers and utilities to make a dollar killing now.
David R. Brower
When ideas are young and vulnerable, criticism can be lethal.
Janet Echelman
One of the most lethal mistakes a public official can make is raising taxes and not paying your own.
Josh Mandel
Soft addictions are an alluring, seductive aspect of our culture - they are easy to attain and socially acceptable, they are even encouraged in many cases. Yet they are lethal to the spirit.
Judith Wright
There was nothing under her clothes but girl and assorted items of lethal hardware.
Robert A. Heinlein