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I was very insecure at the beginning of my career. I didn't value my talent. I would have probably skipped signing up for movies that I didn't want to do if I had understood that I had been accepted and people liked my work.
Kangana Ranaut
I was raised with adults. I skipped knowing how to interact as a normal teenage person.
Alice Englert
I sometimes skip meals when I travel.
Amy Smart
My sister-in-law believes that few narratives are so tightly constructed that you can't skip boring bits and still keep abreast of what's going on.
Arthur Smith
I am so spoiled. I cannot watch a show where it gets interrupted for ads. I have to TiVo it and skip through the ads, because the culture of advertising is so false and phony that I just... ugh, you know?
Alan Ball
I mean, there's a sense wherein you skip a part of childhood, too, when you start working at that age I did; I was out working and out of home at 15, paying my own way in the world.
Ben Mendelsohn
Like lycanthropy, the nerd gene can skip a generation. My maternal grandfather was a technophile.
Chris Hardwick
I used to skip school and paint my face with Ace Frehley Kiss make-up.
Dimebag Darrell
I skipped school one day to see Dizzy Gillespie, and that's where I met Coltrane. Coltrane and Jimmy Heath just joined the band, and I brought my trumpet, and he was sitting at the piano downstairs waiting to join Dizzy's band. He had his saxophone across his lap, and he looked at me and he said, 'You want to play?'
Donald Byrd
Exercise is important, but exercise in a gym is not important. Go and take a walk outside. Skip the umpteenth coffee date and go for a hike instead. Take the stairs. Walk your errands.
Daphne Oz
I skipped kindergarten because I was reading at a pretty high level. That's a weird and cocky thing to say, but I was real sharp, and I knew that early on.
Hannibal Buress
I have a fear of poverty in old age. I have this vision of myself living in a skip and eating cat food. It's because I'm freelance, and I've never had a proper job. I don't have a pension, and my savings are dwindling. I always thought someone would just come along and look after me.
Jenny Eclair
I kind of became a gym rat. The more results I saw, the more dedicated I became. It is such a great feeling to see your hard work pay off. I mean, if I'm gonna skip the In-N-Out burgers, there better be light at the end of the tunnel!
Jonathan Lipnicki
The preface? Why would he waste time with the preface? Skip the preface and move on to the meat of the thing!
Kenneth Oppel
Many blue-collar families struggling to pay rent would be happy to skip paying optional union dues.
Kevin O'Leary
As a teenager, rather than setting myself on a course to pursue fame (quite common growing up in L.A., the entertainment capital of the world), happiness, fulfillment, and spiritual enlightenment (also quite common), I skipped right on to trying to be successful. 'Let's just get on with it,' I felt. 'Onward' became my motto.
Karen Finerman
I used to skip breakfast, but eating gets my metabolism going, so I burn more calories all day.
Kate Walsh
In my worst moments, I think the biggest effect of 'Eats, Shoots & Leaves' was to kill the happiness of people who had previously skipped through life, unaware of all the atrocities lurking in the world around them.
Lynne Truss
I lie to myself every day when I tell myself, 'I can skip yoga.'
Melissa Fumero
I think I skipped a lot of music, like when I was 17 or 18. I didn't know about a lot of new bands because I was so immersed in older music.
Michael Kiwanuka
Whether it's learning to hit a backhand in tennis, learning high school chemistry, or getting better at ski racing, I really believe with hard work and analytic preparation, you can skip a few steps and find the faster way.
Mikaela Shiffrin
I feel like all the parts are seniors in high school and seventh graders, and I think I kinda skipped that awkward stage by not working those years.
Nat Wolff