Fold Quotes - page 5
They say that God lives very high But if you look above the pines You cannot see our God. And why And if you dig down in the mines You never see Him in the gold, Though from Him all thats glory shines. God is so good, He wears a fold Of heaven and earth across His face Like secrets kept, for love, untold. But still I feel that His embrace Slides down by thrills, through all things made, Through sight and sound of every place As if my tender brother laid On my shut lids, her kisses pressure, Half waking me at night and said, 'Who kissed through the dark, dear guesser'
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Go, then, young men, where glory waits you. The field is the world. Go where the abjects wander, and gather them into the fold of the sanctuary. Go to the lazarettos where the moral lepers herd, and tell them of the healing balm. Go to the haunts of crime, and float a gospel message upon the feculent air. Go wherever there are ignorant to be instructed, timid to be cheered, and helpless to be succored, and stricken to be blessed, and erring to be reclaimed. Go wherever faith can see, or hope can breathe, or love can work, or courage can venture. Go and win the spurs of your spiritual knighthood there.
William Morley Punshon