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Spotlight Quotes - page 2
Remember this, classics never make a comeback. They wait for that perfect moment to take the spotlight from overdone, tired trends.
Tabatha Coffey
Everyone for the most part is really nice. There have always been jokes, but that's part of being in the spotlight. You can't make everyone completely happy.
Tina Yothers
Internet radio stations like KCRW do take you everywhere, yet that's just one of a hundred small things you have to do to succeed. It used to be, if you just got on the cover of 'Rolling Stone' and a spotlight on 'The Tonight Show,' that was enough.
Teddy Thompson
The spotlight will always be on me, but it's something I'm learning to live with as the years go by.
David Beckham
Every time I meet a child I think, who knows what's going on in her life, whether she was just bullied or whether she had a bad day at school or whether she lost a parent - that interaction that we have with that individual, that child for that moment, could change their life ... so we can't waste this spotlight. It is temporary and life is short, and change is needed. And women are smarter than men.
Michelle Obama
I realized that our time in the White House would form the foundation for who they would become and how well we managed this experience could truly make or break them. That is what Barack and I think about every day as we try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges of this unusual life in the spotlight, how we urge them to ignore those who question their father's citizenship or faith. How we insist that the hateful language they hear from public figures on TV does not represent the true spirit of this country. How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don't stoop to their level. No, our motto is, when they go low, we go high.
Michelle Obama
I'm kind of a low-key guy. The spotlight doesn't suit me. I'm more of a side dish--cole slaw or French fries or a Wham! backup singer.
Haruki Murakami
Over the past few weeks, as the world commemorates Nelson Mandela, an uncomfortable spotlight has been shone on Conservatives who branded the ANC as terrorists in the 1980s,” he says in an article on the UK ConservativeHome website. How will today's crop of Conservative climate refuseniks explain themselves to future generations, in a world made hotter, nasty and poor by global warming? There is nothing Conservative about advocating for the destruction of the climate, and thus all we hold dear. This is not a credible Conservative standpoint: it is reckless and extreme.
Mohamed Nasheed
Writing turned a spotlight on the high, dim Sierras of speech; writing was the visualization of acoustic space. It lit up the dark.
Marshall McLuhan
Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Gandhi - all these peopled described themselves as quiet and soft-spoken and even shy. And they all took the spotlight, even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to.
Susan Cain
In our society, the ideal self is bold, gregarious, and comfortable in the spotlight. We like to think that we value individuality, but mostly we admire the type of individual who's comfortable "putting himself out there."
Susan Cain
suggest that we think of theories as spotlight. this imagery is useful. a spotlight will only illuminate so much. wiht any theory there will always be the things that are left in darkness, still unexamined and unexplained. parsons referred to these as'residual categories.
Talcott Parsons
I'm in the spotlight, but not the truth. That's hard to accept, but that is unfortunately kind of how the world is and how the media is. Whether it's with Hollywood, whether it's with sports figures, whether it's the president, that's kind of how it works. I'm realistic and I understand that. That's why it's important for me to know who I am, to know I'm living my life the way I want to live, and that I am happy. At the end of the day, I can't really let myself get too angry about outside opinions that are or aren't true.
Hope Solo
The values of Islam are expressed by Muslims clearly. September 11 changed the world, and put Muslims on the spotlight.
Karen Armstrong
So few people are truly themselves when they're in the spotlight.
Lucinda Williams
Me with nothing left to lose, plotting my big revenge in the spotlight. Give me violent revenge fantasies as a coping mechanism.
Chuck Palahniuk
But when you think: Tim McGraw, I hope you think my favorite song. The one we danced to all night long: The moon like a spotlight on the lake. When you think happiness, I hope you think: "That little black dress." Think of my head on your chest, An' my old faded blue jeans. When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me.
Taylor Swift
Every time I see you, all the rays of the sun Are streaming through the waves in your hair And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes Like a spotlight.
Jim Steinman
Out there in the spotlight you're a million miles away. Every ounce of energy you try to give away. As the sweat pours out your body like the music that you play. Later in the evening, as you lie awake in bed. With the echoes from the amplifiers ringin' in your head. You smoke the day's last cigarette, rememberin' what she said.
Bob Seger
I believe that they have put a spotlight on what women have always known and have always been more or less silent about. Patriarchal domination, even - despite appearances - in the West, is still very entrenched, and each of us, in the most diverse places, in the most varied forms, suffers the humiliation of being a silent victim or a fearful accomplice or a reluctant rebel or even a diligent accuser of victims rather than of the rapists. Paradoxically, I don't feel that there are great differences between the women of the Neapolitan neighborhood whose story I told and Hollywood actresses or the educated, refined women who work at the highest levels of our socioeconomic system...
Elena Ferrante
I thought that, that side of [Rudd's] character – the very anxious, 'I must be in the media, I must shine in Parliament today' – would fall away when he became Labor leader and there was no more fighting for the spotlight; the spotlight was well and truly on him.
Julia Gillard
The God of All Life was really more like a light than anything else, and the whole divine arena just lit up as if a universal spotlight was turned on from the inside of things, bathing every visible object. Everything Emir saw was lit up as if even the blades of grass had bulbs inside them, though bulbs hadn't been invented yet or spotlights either. Still, a new kind of superlight splashed out over the arena. More than this, the light itself was somehow kindly and alive, as if the God of All Life was everywhere at once, made of light, but with a presence inside that was invisible.
Robert Butts