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Motor Quotes
It was the slave's continuing desire for recognition that was the motor which propelled history forward, not the idle complacency and unchanging self-identity of the master.
Francis Fukuyama
There are only three sports bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering all the rest are merely games.
Ernest Hemingway
Motor racing can never be totally safe and it never should be in my opinion. But thank God it's a lot safer now.
Murray Walker
Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.
Barbara Johnson
There are magic moments, involving great physical fatigue and intense motor excitement, that produce visions of people known in the past. As I learned later from the delightful little book of the Abbé de Bucquoy, there are also visions of books as yet unwritten.
Umberto Eco
We disparage reason. But all the time it's what we're most concerned with. There's will as motor and there's will as brakes. Reason is, I suppose, the steering gear.
Robert Frost
The word morality, if we met it in the Bible, would surprise us as much as the word telephone or motor car.
George Bernard Shaw
It is therefore necessary to prepare the imminent and inevitable identification of man with the motor, facilitating and perfecting an incessant exchange of intuition, rhythm, instinct and metallic discipline, quite utterly unknown to the majority of humanity and only divined by the most lucid mind.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
And now you live dispersed on ribbon roads, And no man knows or cares who is his neighbor Unless his neighbor makes too much disturbance, But all dash to and fro in motor cars, Familiar with the roads and settled nowhere.
T. S. Eliot
I wonder whether those of our political masters who have been put in charge of the defence of the country can distinguish a mortar from a motor; a gun from a howitzer; a guerrilla from a gorilla, although a great many resemble the latter.
Sam Manekshaw
Technical progress and more comfortable living permit the systematic inclusion of libidinal components into the realm of commodity production and exchange. But no matter how controlled the mobilization of instinctual energy may be (it sometimes amounts to a scientific management of libido), no matter how much it may serve as a prop for the status quo - it is also gratifying to the managed individuals, just as racing the outboard motor, pushing the power lawn mower, and speeding the automobile are fun.
Herbert Marcuse
If you like the post office and the Department of Motor Vehicles and you think they're run well, just wait till you see Medicare, Medicaid and health care done by the government.
Arthur Laffer
Modern motor vehicles are safer and more reliable than they have ever been - yet more than 1 million people are killed in car accidents around the world each year, and more than 50 million are injured. Why? Largely because one perilous element in the mechanics of driving remains unperfected by progress: the human being.
Tom Chatfield
I became a real Shell Motor Oil expert, and I did this 25-minute film. It turned out really well and, as a result, they offered me more work and lots of commercials to direct.
Renny Harlin
Physically my brain is in great shape. My motor functions are fine, but I think going through the whole ordeal... coming pretty close to death, may have affected my priorities.
Bill Berry
I've always had an inquisitive mind about everything from flowers to television sets to motor cars. Always pulled them apart - couldn't put 'em back, but always extremely interested in how things work.
Craig Johnston
Nothing is going to stop Mike Tyson that doesn't have a motor attached.
David Brenner
I am very happy because motor racing is very important outside the states, very big all over the world.
Emerson Fittipaldi
The lesion is in the area of my brain that is responsible for motor function, so I have continual chronic pain in my left arm from elbow to fingertips and the right side of my body from my ear to my breast area.
Karen Duffy
Linguistic sounds, considered as external, physical phenomena have two aspects, the motor and the acoustic.
Roman Jakobson
I certainly don't think adrenalin coursing through your veins, is going to help with the fine motor skills of golf.
Stuart Appleby
And almost half of American oil consumption is for motor vehicles.
Tim Holden