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Mississippi Quotes
The attorney general would call at 5 o'clock in the evening and say: 'Tomorrow morning we are going to try to integrate the University of Mississippi. Get us a memo on what we're likely to do, and what we can do if the governor sends the National Guard there.'
Harold H. Greene
Most of the locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River system are over 60 years old and many are in serious need of repair and rehabilitation.
Ron Kind
On the breast of that huge Mississippi of falsehood called History, a foam-bell more or less is no consequence.
Matthew Arnold
To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi.
William Faulkner
The second person to write a story about a young boy and an escaped slave on the Mississippi wasn't a novelist, he was a typist.
Seth Godin
I would sit on the street corners in my hometown of Indianola, Mississippi, and I would play. And, generally, I would start playing gospel songs.
B. B. King
A child born to a Black mother in a state like Mississippi... has exactly the same rights as a white baby born to the wealthiest person in the United States. It's not true, but I challenge anyone to say it is not a goal worth working for.
Thurgood Marshall
The next thing I wrote was in a writing class at night school. It was about a poor woman who worked at a dime store and who was all alone for Christmas in Laurel, Mississippi.
Beth Henley
I grew up in Jackson, Mississippi, really in suburbia, so my mother was in community theatre plays.
Beth Henley
Freedom Summer, the massive voter education project in Mississippi, was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.
Danny Glover
The Missouri is, perhaps, different in appearance and character from all other rivers in the world; there is a terror in its manner which is sensibly felt, the moment we enter its muddy waters from the Mississippi.
George Catlin
I have a record as governor. I have a record of cutting spending. And I talked yesterday not only about we ought to cut spending, I talked about how we've cut spending in Mississippi and how if you did the same things in the federal government, you would save tens of billions of dollars a year.
Haley Barbour
They would come down in Mississippi, they hired me as a talent scout. And I would go all over Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and find out different artists for them.
Ike Turner
Vicksburg lies on top of a bluff on the east side of a large tongue of land jutting out into the Mississippi.
Knute Nelson
For the good of our environment, the good of the economy, and the good of the Nation, I strongly urge support of the upper Mississippi locks and dams project.
Leonard Boswell
I'm from the Mississippi delta originally.
Little Milton
I was always singing the way I felt, and maybe I didn't exactly know it, but I just didn't like the way things were down there-in Mississippi.
Muddy Waters
That Mississippi sound, that Delta sound is in them old records. You can hear it all the way through.
Muddy Waters
Of course that was my idol, Son House. I think he did a lot for the Mississippi slide down there.
Muddy Waters
Several other aerospace and defense firms have announced plans to build facilities in north Mississippi in recent weeks. They join an impressive group of high-tech companies already doing business in our region.
Roger Wicker
As founder and co-chair of the upper Mississippi River Congressional task force, I have long sought to preserve the river's health and historical multiple uses, including as a natural waterway and a home to wildlife, for the benefit of future generations of Americans.
Ron Kind
Finally, the ecological health of the Mississippi River and its economic importance to the many people that make their living or seek their recreation is based on a healthy river system.
Ron Kind