Catching Quotes - page 5
Hark! My ears are catching corncrake's clicking,
Silver moonlight shines on cobhead corn;
Summer evening's blessing me, enriching,
Valley's wreaths of smoky slash and burn.
Neither joying I, nor grieve I, mournful;
But for forest's darkness am I yearnful,
Rose-gilt clouds the day's protracted ending,
Windy sleeping hill o'er all extending,
Fragrant twinflower, shortening, lingering shade;
These the things from which my heart-song's made.
Lady June-July, for you I'm singing,
Great the silence of my ardent heart,
Merry music make, for faith is mounting,
Verdant wreath of oak eternal start.
Foolish errands now I'll make no longer,
Fortune blessèd hands will grasp the stronger;
Rippled pool of circles now decreasing;
Time has ceased and weathervane is sleeping;
Stretches road at twilit end of day,
Bound for home unknown, I take its way.
Eino Leino
Hence, as Narcissus, by catching at the shadow, plunged himself in the stream and disappeared, so he who is captivated by beautiful bodies, and does not depart from their embrace, is precipitated, not with his body, but with his soul, into a darkness profound and repugnant to intellect (the higher soul), through which, remaining blind both here and in Hades, he associates with shadows.