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Detroit Quotes - page 2
Very few cities in the NHL have the history or the following of the Detroit Red Wings.
Steve Yzerman
It's been a great honor for me to be a player for the Detroit Red Wings, to play for an Original Six franchise. I know I'm far from perfect, but I learned a lot.
Steve Yzerman
The new Detroit churning out Schumer-mobiles will make the steel mills of the Soviet Union look the model of efficiency.
Charles Krauthammer
MTV announced this week that the next season of The Real World will be shot in Detroit, as will several cast members.
Tina Fey
Things were a lot simpler in Detroit. I didn't care about anything but boyfriends.
Madonna (entertainer)
Detroit, the heart of the country... I grew up on 10 Mile, 2 miles better than 8 Mile.
Kristen Bell
If anyone is as angry as I am, it's the good people of Detroit.
Lewis Black
Detroit turned out to be heaven, but it also turned out to be hell.
Marvin Gaye
I'm afraid that someday I'll kill some pitcher. It is one thing I've always dreaded. My heart stood still in that game in Detroit when I almost got Ehmke with that drive through the box. I thought for a certainty that the ball would hit him before he got his hands up to protect himself. A couple of pitchers have asked me not to hit the ball back at them, and I always try not to. Why should I try to hurt any ball players? We are all out there trying to make a living, and no man worthwhile would deliberately try to injure another.
Babe Ruth
To win the Stanley Cup was a dream. When I was growing up, I never really dreamed about winning the Stanley Cup because I never really dreamed I'd play in the National Hockey League. I just followed one day, one month, one year after another and I kept getting better. But winning the Stanley Cup was just tremendous because you're recognized as part of the best team in the world and I was part of that team that contributed winning the Stanley Cup for Detroit.
Ted Lindsay
No. I know that's blasphemous when you are from Detroit.
Jack White
There are very few courses around Detroit I haven't played.
Smokey Robinson
Some said he shouldn't save Detroit. But President Obama made the tough and right call to save more than a million American jobs in an important, iconic industry.
Harry Reid
I remember Detroit feeling really unsafe, feeling scared a lot. Our house was broken into, our car was stolen, we had to get a watchdog, we would get beat up in the street, I had my bike stolen. There was just a lot of real anarchy on the streets and sidewalks.
Sufjan Stevens
There are cities that get by on their good looks, offer climate and scenery, views of mountains or oceans, rockbound or with palm trees. And there are cities like Detroit that have to work for a living.
Elmore Leonard
I was brought up in this part of Detroit that they used to call the ghetto.
Diana Ross
Detroit is a place where we've had it pretty tough. But there is a generosity here and a well of kindness that goes deep.
Mitch Albom
In my own household, for example, an electric refrigerator has been in service for nineteen years, with only a single minor repair: an admirable job. Both automatic refrigerators for daily use and deepfreeze preservation are inventions of permanent value. Though one cannot bestow any such unqualified commendation upon the design of the contemporary motor car, one can hardly doubt that if biotechnic criteria were heeded, rather than those of market analysts and fashion experts, an equally good product might come forth from Detroit, with an equally long prospect of continued use.
Lewis Mumford
I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and I hate Michigan.
Jerome Bettis
People think that Detroit is this barren wasteland. While there are parts that are not as nice as others, the misconception is not true. It is definitely not a thriving community in Detroit, but it is getting there. There is a lot of heart and love in this city.
Steven Yeun
On the diamond, I had been rough on Babe. I'd never taken my spurs out of his hide and one day he'd come looking for me in the Detroit clubhouse with fistic mayhem in mind. We'd won and lost duels to each other way back since 1915, when Babe had been a rookie pitcher with Bill Carrigan's Boston Red Sox. To add heat to the situation, some press association or other was always holding a poll to pick between Ruth and Cobb as the all-time star player.
Ty Cobb
Can't-do guys do all right in Washington, perhaps because lobbying is the one thing that can't-do guys almost always can do, and magnificently. Detroit may not be able to dispose of exhaust very neatly, but it can build a beautiful lobbying machine for selling Government the story of its own inadequacy. What is it in the Washington air that restores the energies of these once dynamic American manufacturers? Something there is that brings out all the latent half-forgotten ingenuity that seems to have abandoned them back in the home plant.
Russell Baker