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Complaint Quotes
As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
Helen Keller
Complaint is the largest tribute Heaven receives, and the sincerest part of our devotion.
Jonathan Swift
He'd once told me that the art of getting ahead in New York was based on learning how to express dissatisfaction in an interesting way. The air was full of rage and complaint. People had no tolerance for your particular hardship unless you knew how to entertain them with it.
Don DeLillo
People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
Søren Kierkegaard
Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces.
Sigmund Freud
Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.
Doris Day
Personal growth has its price, and she was paying it without complaint.
Paulo Coelho
Politics in its most common form: complaint. No one wanted to do it but everyone was happy to complain about it.
Kim Stanley Robinson
All great art is a form of complaint.
John Cage
I think the satirist is always basically optimistic. The satirist's complaint about society is always that it doesn't measure up to a fairly high ideal he has. I think that even the bitterest satirist, even a man like Swift, was probably rather an optimist at heart.
John Dos Passos
I want a heart which is split, part by part, because of the pain of separation from God, so that I might explain my longing and complaint to it.
I confess to a rare problem-gynekinetophobia, or the fear of women falling on me-but this is a rather mild illness compared with many affluent suburbanites, who have developed an almost total zoophobia, or fear of anything that moves. It is, as any traveller can confirm, a complaint best developed in the affluent North American, and it seems to be part of blue toilet dyes, air fresheners, lots of paper tissues, and two showers a day.
Bill Mollison
To suffer without complaint is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.
Vincent van Gogh
His (Deschamps') complaint of court life was the same as is made of government at the top in any age: it was composed of hypocrisy, flattery, lying, paying and betraying; it was where calumny and cupidity reigned, common sense lacked, truth dared not appear, and where to survive one had to be deaf, blind, and dumb.
Barbara Tuchman
A man endures misfortune without complaint.
Franz Schubert
Man is equal to man. There should not be exploitation. One should help the other. No one should harm anybody. Generally there should be no room for grievance or complaint from anybody. Everyone should live and let others to live, with a national spirit.
Periyar E. V. Ramasamy
My mother spoke of Christ to my father, by her feminine and childlike virtues, and, after having borne his violence without a murmur or complaint, gained him at the close of his life to Christ.
Augustine of Hippo
It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The fire was silent, the little houses collapsing into the flames without complaint, flocks of sparks rising to the sky. At a distance it seemed beautiful, and I thought it was strange that powerful violence is often so pleasing to the eye...
David Benioff
But as I have noticed on more than one occaision, life itself is unfair, and there is no complaint department, so we might as well accept things the way they happen, clean up the mess, and move on.
Jeff Lindsay
You have a valid complaint, and I do recognize it... but you are reading into things a little bit. Just the same, I will do my best to make horrible things happen to a bunch of white people before something else so graphic hits a minority character.
Robert Kirkman
Now my complaint is there are only 18 hours to work in a day.
Heston Blumenthal