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Serenity Quotes
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Reinhold Niebuhr
The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity.
Joseph Addison
Any work of architecture which does not express serenity is a mistake.
Luis Barragán
The final wisdom of life requires not the annulment of incongruity but the achievement of serenity within and above it.
Reinhold Niebuhr
The sole art that suits me is that which, rising from unrest, tends toward serenity.
André Gide
Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is.
Thomas Szasz
Only a soul full of despair can ever attain serenity and, to be in despair, you must have loved a good deal and still love the world.
Blaise Cendrars
In struggling against anguish one never produces serenity; the struggle against anguish only produces new forms of anguish.
Simone Weil
A good conscience is to the soul what health is to the body it preserves a constant ease and serenity within us, and more than countervails all the calamities and afflictions that can possibly befall us.
Joseph Addison
I think that the ideal space must contain elements of magic, serenity, sorcery and mystery.
Luis Barragán
Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.
Jawaharlal Nehru
What some people interpret as brooding melancholy is serenity. I don't feel required to grasp all the time.
David Guterson
What is the secret of your serenity?" Said the master: "Wholehearted cooperation with the inevitable.
Anthony de Mello
But I do know focusing on the exterior doesn't make me happy. If I want peace and serenity, it won't be reached by getting thinner or fatter.
Elle Macpherson
A garden must combine the poetic and the mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy.
Luis Barragán
If you find serenity and happiness, some people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
Mother Teresa
Supreme serenity still remains the Ideal of great Art. The shapes and transitory forms of life are but stages toward this Ideal, which Christ's religion illuminates with His divine light.
Franz Liszt
Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.
Johnny Miller
I went from resenting my mother-in-law to accepting her, finally to appreciating her. What appeared to be her diffidence when I was first married, I now value as serenity.
Ayelet Waldman
What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter - a soothing, calming influence on the mind, rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue.
Henri Matisse