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Neurotic Quotes - page 4
A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it. A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.
Jerome Lawrence
Without my work I would be a neurotic mess.
Moira Lister
The neurotic lies awake at night, composing letters to those he hates. He seldom thinks of dropping a line to those he loves.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic feels as though trapped in a gas-filled room where at any moment someone, probably himself, will strike a match.
Mignon McLaughlin
Being neurotic is like shooting fish in a barrel, and missing them.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic is always half-drowning in anxiety, and always being half-rescued.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic keeps minute track of his enemies; it is only his friends he is careless about.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic has perfect vision in one eye, but he cannot remember which.
Mignon McLaughlin
Others settle for small rewards; the neurotic must always go for broke.
Mignon McLaughlin
At the beginning of a love affair, not even the neurotic is neurotic.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic longs to touch bottom, so at least he won't have that to worry about anymore.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic thinks himself both Hamlet and Claudius, in a world that belongs to Polonius.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic always wishes people would let him alone - until they do.
Mignon McLaughlin
No good neurotic finds it difficult to be both opinionated and indecisive.
Mignon McLaughlin
The way the neurotic sees it: bars on his door mean that he's locked in; bars on your door mean that he's locked out.
Mignon McLaughlin
Neurotic: someone who can go from the bottom to the top, and back again, without ever once touching the middle.
Mignon McLaughlin
As we are human, we can't do what we can't do; as we're neurotic, we can't do what we can.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic doesn't know how to cope with his emotional bills; some he keeps paying over and over, others he never pays at all.
Mignon McLaughlin
Naturally, the neurotic wants you to love him twice as much, for he's going to cut it in half anyway.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic usually obeys his own Golden Rule: Hate thy neighbor as thyself.
Mignon McLaughlin
Humiliation is a vast country of imprecise boundaries. If you think you're there, you are. The neurotic rule: when in doubt, go ahead and feel humiliated.
Mignon McLaughlin
The neurotic believes that life has meaning, but that his life hasn't.
Mignon McLaughlin