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Crave Quotes - page 3
It is a good life, if I watch myself. Kind of like when I used to diet, but now instead of limiting calories, I will not allow negative self-talk. I cut out insults like I cut out carbs and it is hard as hell because I crave self-abuse like hot, fresh sourdough bread, but you know you have to be nice to you if you are going to live together.
Margaret Cho
Since change is constant, you wonder if people crave death because it's the only way they can get anything really finished.
Chuck Palahniuk
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.
Saint Peter
You know that weird cat dance that cats do late at night where they go completely stir-crazy and they run around the apartment and you don't know what the hell they're doing? I often feel like that. I dye my hair constantly because I can't sit still with one hair color. That's a perfect example of trying to satisfy some hunger. I want change; I want constant stimuli. I love to fly because I love the high. All of these are like itch kind of things. Sometimes I need to completely get away. I'll get in the car and I'll drive for as long as I can drive. Sometimes it's a sexual urge. I don't need to explain that; it's pretty self-explanatory. It's a craving, a desire. Sometimes it's food. I'm just a giant, big ol' consumer. I want, I need, I crave, I can't say no. I have no control and I'm a complete control freak. It's just crazy.
Colleen Fitzpatrick
The love that lonely people crave Follows them into their grave Oh...we should never leave them lonely.
In one sense, I do believe I am "like a man," as Parthe [the writer's sister] says. But how? In having sympathy. ... Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so. ... They cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other attend to it accurately enough for it to become information. Now is not all this the result of want of sympathy?
Florence Nightingale
My mind to me a kingdom is; Such perfect joy therein I find That it excels all other bliss That world affords or grows by kind. Though much I want which most men have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
Well-intentioned men don't run for office any more! They have too much sense to expose themselves to assassination, and only delusible idiots like our current chief executive can be persuaded to don the robes of high office. Nice guys don't crave power.
John Brunner
Tis only Man, mischievous Man, that can make Death a Sport. Nature taught your Stomach to crave nothing but Vegetables; but your violent Fondness to change, and greater Eagerness after Novelties, have prompted you to the Destruction of Animals without Justice or Necessity, perverted your Nature and warp'd your Appetites which way soever your Pride or Luxury have call'd them.
Bernard Mandeville
Humans may crave absolute certainty; they may aspire to it; they may pretend, as partisans of certain religions do, to have attained it. But the history of science - by far the most successful claim to knowledge accessible to humans - teaches that the most we can hope for is successive improvement in our understanding, learning from our mistakes, an asymptotic approach to the Universe, but with the proviso that absolute certainty will always elude us.
Carl Sagan
The older I get the more I admire and crave competence, just simple competence, in any field from adultery to zoology.
H. L. Mencken
We crave permission openly to become our secret selves.
Salman Rushdie
I crave working on those small independent movies because I love going to see those myself.
Orlando Bloom
And thus I came through storm to peace, not to the peace of an untroubled sea of outer life, which no strong soul can crave, but to an inner peace that outer troubles may not avail to ruffle-a peace which belongs to the eternal not to the transitory, to the depths not to the shallows of life.
Annie Besant
Human beings crave freedom at their core.
John Ensign
Some have too much, yet still do crave; I little have, and seek no more. They are but poor, though much they have, And I am rich with little store.
Edward Dyer
My Minde to Me a Kindome Is; Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss That earth affords or grows by kind: Though much I want which most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
Edward Dyer
I crave to be understood because when a person writes about himself, he does not work in obscurity but a little too much in the light which he focuses on himself. To me the satisfaction comes from the fact that at least I have said something about myself in my own voice without ‘paraphrasing any hard truths'.
Mohammad Hidayatullah
In having all things, and not Thee, what have I? Not having Thee, what have my labors got? Let me enjoy but Thee, what farther crave I? And having Thee alone, what have I not?
Francis Quarles
Gays have become colossal bores. Once interesting and iconoclastic, all they seem to crave nowadays is the State's pension and seal of approval. They ought to go back to the days of the Stonewall Riots, when the police's violations of privacy and private property were the object of their anger and activism.
Ilana Mercer
But paying is part of the game of life: it is the joy of buying that we crave.
Gilbert Parker
Employers crave the power to fire workers whose performance is judged inferior-not just to get rid of those particular workers, but more importantly to motivate and discipline the rest of the workforce.
Jim Stanford