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Skating Quotes - page 2
For a long time, just skating in the Olympics had been my goal because not many Koreans had done it.
Kim Yuna
I don't mind the sparkle - I think it's kind of a tradition in skating. I don't think the men really need sparkles, but for the women it's part of the glamour of our sport.
Kristi Yamaguchi
Figure skating is a mixture of art and sport.
Katarina Witt
Skating taught me to set a goal and to block out other things and just focus on this one thing.
Katarina Witt
The skill set for hockey is so specific to skating and if you haven't been skating as a kid it's impossible to play - and I wasn't a skater.
Liev Schreiber
I like to roller skate. I have been roller skating since I was eight.
Mackenzie Foy
I'm supposed to relax and concentrate on the image of myself out there skating my race.
Mary Docter
And I love what I do and I love skating.
Nancy Kerrigan
But after a few minutes of convincing myself that I really wanted to go - telling myself that I love skating and that my coach is there waiting for me - I would get up and go. And my mother would always get up and eat breakfast with me!
Nancy Kerrigan
My dad worked several jobs to pay for my expense in skating.
Nancy Kerrigan
I was a tomboy who liked to play rough just like my two older brothers. That's probably why I liked the athletic part of skating - especially the jumping!
Nancy Kerrigan
I want kids to enjoy skating and I think it's a great workout.
Oksana Baiul
Hurricane Katrina exposed the harsh reality that we have been skating on thin ice when it comes to this country's energy concentrations on the Gulf Coast.
Pete Domenici
I think skating helped me find myself.
Peggy Fleming
When the going got tough, I really had to draw on many of the same competitive instincts I did when I was skating. I really had to put my head down and stay positive. I had to fight.
Peggy Fleming
For me, skateboarding is a lifestyle. I really don't know anything different. My life revolves around skating. If I wasn't a professional skateboarder, I'd still be skating every day.
Ryan Sheckler
I started skating because I loved it. I started when I was three and I didn't know all the sacrifices and all the hardships and how difficult day-in and day-out it would be.
Sarah Hughes
And the fact that I liked to show off and be the center of attention really lends itself to figure skating very well.
Scott Hamilton
And so figure skating was a great vehicle for me to kind of be competitive at something, without having to be big.
Scott Hamilton
Half of figure skating is opinion, convincing judges.
Scott Hamilton
I just try to touch people's hearts in a way through skating, so they're not just witnessing a performance, they're feeling a performance and they're a part of it.
Scott Hamilton
I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.
Scott Hamilton