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Diamond Quotes
A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool.
Joseph Roux
This diamond has so many carats it's almost a turnip.
Richard Burton
Techniques employ four qualities that reflect the nature of our world. Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diamond, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space.
Morihei Ueshiba
There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self.
Benjamin Franklin
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.
Unfortunately, a lot of executives aren't like producers, and can't hear the diamond in the rough.
You can find a diamond in the rough a lot of times.
By what strange law of mind is it that an idea long overlooked, and trodden under foot as a useless stone, suddenly sparkles out in new light, as a discovered diamond?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
All is beautiful and unceasing, all is music and reason, and all, like diamond, is carbon first, then light.
José Martí
I need to be looked after. I'm not talking about diamond rings and nice restaurants and fancy stuff-in fact, that makes me uncomfortable. I didn't grow up with it and it's not me, you know. But I need someone to say to me, ‘Shall I run you a bath?' or ‘Let's go to the pub, just us.
Kate Winslet
Asanas bring perfection in body, beauty in form,grace, strength, compactness, and the harness and brilliance of a diamond.
They may signify wealth, but they can actually mean so much more-like committment, family, and love. And there's nothing like a perfect diamond to remind you that you'll never be perfect - the truth is, all you can do is try.
Nicole Richie
It's incredible. Nine? Wow. I just remember winning my first one, getting the medal and the plate, the pin with the diamond for first place. My ninth title, I have no answer for that because I never thought it would be possible.
Michelle Kwan
Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.
Larry David
For John Howard to get to any high moral ground he would have to first climb out of the volcanic hole he's dug for himself over the last decade. You know, it's like one of those deep diamond mined holes in South Africa, you know, they're about a mile underground. He'd have to come a mile up to get to even equilibrium, let alone have any contest in morality with Kevin Rudd.
Paul Keating
I wanted to win to feed the hungry people of my community. I didn't want to win to buy a diamond – I didn't have no diamonds then. I didn't want to win to buy a car, I didn't want to win to bring a couple of chicks downtown to a hotel. I wanted to win to feed the poor people of the community.
Mr. T
I am all at once what Christ is, ' since he was what I am, and This Jack, joke, poor potsherd, ' patch, matchwood, immortal diamond, Is immortal diamond.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
With spots quadrangular of diamond form, Ensanguined hearts, clubs typical of strife, And spades, the emblems of untimely graves.
William Cowper
Diamond, however, had not been out so late before in all his life, and things looked so strange about him! - just as if he had got into Fairyland, of which he knew quite as much as anybody; for his mother had no money to buy books to set him wrong on the subject.
George MacDonald
The jungle looked back at them with a vastness, a breathing moss-and-leaf silence, with a billion diamond and emerald insect eyes.
Ray Bradbury
The bosom can ache beneath diamond brooches; and many a blithe heart dances under coarse wool.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin
The playing field is more sacred than the stock exchange, more blessed than Capital Hill or the vaults of Fort Knox. The diamond and the gridiron - and, to a lesser degree, the court, the rink, the track, and the ring - embody the American dream of Eden.
Lewis H. Lapham