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Hillary Quotes
What made Obama unique was that he was the ultimate charismatic politician -- the most unknown stranger ever to achieve the presidency in the United States. No one knew who he was, he came out of nowhere, he had this incredible persona that floated him above the fray, destroyed Hillary, took over the Democratic Party and became president. This is truly unprecedented: A young unknown with no history, no paper trail, no well-known associates, self-created.
Charles Krauthammer
Hillary will make us stronger together. You know it because she's spent a lifetime doing it.
Bill Clinton
Every fascist state like Germany, France, or modern Poland takes away citizen's right to self-defense. Fascist Americans such as Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton want to take arms away from American society.
Janusz Korwin-Mikke
[Hillary Clinton] was trying to encourage us to become more active in politics and she said, 'If you leave all the decision-making to others, you might not like what they do, and you will have no one but yourself to blame.' It was such a challenge to the women in the room. And it really hit me: She's talking to me.
Kirsten Gillibrand
But Hillary Clinton's legacy does not have to be America's legacy. The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them in the first place.
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country and who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn't share their views or values.
Donald Trump
I think the best person in her [Hillary Clinton's] campaign is mainstream media.
Donald Trump
Reporters at the New York Times, they're not journalists, they're corporate lobbyists for Carlos Slim and for Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump
So when you [Hillary Clinton] tried to act holier than thou, it really doesn't work. It really doesn't.
Donald Trump
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most investigated couple in American history - now the most thoroughly exonerated couple in American history.
Paul Begala
Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary. I'll predict that right now.
Bill Kristol
Health care is too expensive, so the Clinton administration is putting Hillary in charge of making it cheaper. (This is what I always do when I want to spend less money - hire a lawyer from Yale.) If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.
P. J. O'Rourke
The number of American presidential candidates varies with the sunspot cycle and the phases of the moon. Being a Republican, I'm backing Hillary Clinton. Because she could lose. The reason is not that she's a woman. The reason is that she's the particular woman who taught the 4th grade class that every man in America wished he were dead in. Hillary Clinton is Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown. Hillary Clinton is 'America's ex-wife.
P. J. O'Rourke
There's a reason why people question the trustworthiness of Hillary Clinton, and that's because they're paying attention.
Mike Pence
At the unveiling at the White House of the presidential portrait, President Bush pointed out that Hillary Clinton was the first sitting Senator in history to have her portrait hanging in the White House.
Eleanor Clift
But I think Hillary Clinton is one of the most amazing women of this time.
Hope Davis
In 2008, I was one of the young feminist whippersnappers who voted for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries - or as many of my older counterparts called me at the time, a traitor.
Jessica Valenti
Theres no doubt about it: Hillary is the best person to be our 45th president. Hillary has always been a tireless advocate for working families - shes never ceased to make sure everybody has a fair shot at achieving the American Dream.
Joaquin Castro
Hillary Clinton could say she was a woman and running for president. And Sarah Palin could say she was a woman and running for vice-president. But Obama couldn't say, 'I'm black and I'm running for president.' It couldn't come out of his mouth. He couldn't say that because, if he did, he'd lose votes.
Paul Mooney
"Oh my god!" Hillary is standing in the doorway of the bathroom of the bathroom which on one had is surprising but there's the other hand, too.
Daniel Handler
I think Hillary Clinton could do whatever she puts her mind to. I really do. She's incredibly dedicated to public service, she is smart as a whip, and she's effective.
Kamala Harris
Hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risks we face. And she is still the best darn change-maker I have ever known. You could drop her into any trouble spot, pick one, come back in a month and somehow, some way she will have made it better. That is just who she is.
Bill Clinton