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Underestimate Quotes - page 2
There is no such thing as an underestimate of average intelligence.
Henry Adams
You underestimate the ability of people to act like idiots.
George Alec Effinger
If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.
Timothy Ferriss
Of course most people underestimate the warrior characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman peoples anyway. It takes a heap of piety to keep a Viking from wanting to go sack a city.
Jerry Pournelle
We underestimate the distance between ourselves and others. Not just inferential distance, but distances of temperament and ability, distances of situation and resource, distances of unspoken knowledge and unnoticed skills and luck, distances of interior landscape.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Do not underestimate the importance of feeling special.
Ben Carson
I do not in the least underestimate bisexuality... I expect it to provide all further enlightenment.
Sigmund Freud
It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement - that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.
Sigmund Freud
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
There is danger that totalitarian governments, not subject to vigorous popular debate, will underestimate the will and unity of democratic societies where vital interests are concerned.
John F. Kennedy
A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults.
Mario Puzo
Never underestimate the value of knowing another's language. It can be far more powerful than swords and arrows.
Melina Marchetta
For future reference: do not underestimate the seductive power of math.
Rachel Hartman
Don't underestimate Camp Half-Blood.
Rick Riordan
Never underestimate your problem or your ability to deal with it.
Robert H. Schuller
Cats virtually always underestimate human intelligence just as we, perhaps, underestimate theirs.
Roger Caras
It's easy to underestimate the real cost of home ownership.
Suze Orman
Never underestimate a backwoods Cajun in a fight, old man.
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Never underestimate the power of funny, it moves mountains.
James Patterson
Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands.
Laura Schlessinger
Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man.
Iain Duncan Smith
We ordinary people might lack your great speed or your X-Ray vision, Superman, but never underestimate the power of the human mind. We carry the most dangerous weapon on Earth inside these thick skulls of ours.
Mark Millar