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Dna Quotes - page 2
Years ago when DNA was going on, I produced a record in Italy but I didn't think I'd do another one.
Arto Lindsay
When you're born again, your DNA changes. You have the ability to understand God's terms.
Bill McCartney
I come from an Irish Catholic family, and hell-raising is part of the DNA.
Brian Dennehy
My parents are very hard working people who did everything they could for their children. I have two brothers and they worked dog hard to give us an education and provide us with the most comfortable life possible. My dad provided for his family daily. So, yes, that is definitely in my DNA.
David Oyelowo
Understanding how DNA transmits all it knows about cancer, physics, dreaming and love will keep man searching for some time.
David R. Brower
If you can write DNA, you're no longer limited to 'what is' but to what you could make.
Drew Endy
I don't want to be too 'classic' because it's not in the DNA of Gucci. You need to be a little bit provocative.
Frida Giannini
I was born here in the city, born in the Bronx. Son of a cop. One grandfather was a taxi driver; the other was a firefighter. New York is in my DNA.
Joe Lhota
Our own genomes carry the story of evolution, written in DNA, the language of molecular genetics, and the narrative is unmistakable.
Kenneth R. Miller
Sometimes I feel as if four thousand years of silencing women, of the fear of women who were burned in oil or eviscerated in front of their daughters, is imprinted deep within me and has altered my DNA.
Olympia Dukakis
Nanotechnology is the idea that we can create devices and machines all the way down to the nanometer scale, which is a billionth of a meter, about half the width of a human DNA molecule.
Paul McEuen
If you accept the belief that baptism incorporates us in the mystical body of Christ, into the divine DNA, then you might say that the Holy Spirit is present in each of us, and thus we have the capacity for the fullness of redemption, of transformation.
Thomas Keating
People that aren't special, people that don't have tiger blood and Adonis DNA (The Today Show)
Charlie Sheen
I didn't really believe I had "tiger blood" or "Adonis DNA." These were just jokes.
Charlie Sheen
I am tired of hearing that the DNA in my cells nucleus is the complete blueprint of what is, or could be, me. There is more to me than that. The sequence of my nuclear DNA is not "My Genome."
Gottfried Schatz
I find it hard to swallow that I have only ten times more genes than those lowly bacteria in my gut. I had always liked the fact that they have ten thousand times less DNA than I did - that felt about right - but a factor of ten was carrying democracy a bit too far.
Gottfried Schatz
Harry Dresden: I don't care about whose DNA has recombined with whose. When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching - they are your family.
Jim Butcher
Similarities in the DNA code simply prove the same designer wrote the code. This is not evidence for evolution, it is actually proof for creation!
Kent Hovind
Diversity has been written into the DNA of American life; any institution that lacks a rainbow array has come to seem diminished, if not diseased.
Joe Klein
The spiral in a snail's shell is the same mathematically as the spiral in the Milky Way galaxy, and it's also the same mathematically as the spirals in our DNA. It's the same ratio that you'll find in very basic music that transcends cultures all over the world.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
All life on earth - everything from bacteria to mushrooms to hippos - shares an astonishing range of detailed biochemical similarities, including the structure of heredity in DNA and RNA, and the universal use of ATP as an energy-storing compound. Two possible scenarios, with markedly different implications for the nature of life, might explain these regularities: either all earthly life shares these features because no other chemistry can work, or these similarities only record the common descent of all organisms on earth from a single origin that happened to feature this chemistry as one possibility among many.
Stephen Jay Gould
All of us have an artist inside us. It's part of our DNA as human beings. We have all witnessed the power of the arts to deeply connect people, to open our minds to new ideas and express our innermost sacred selves. The imagination isn't just simply reserved for children. The imagination can be, for all of us, a very real gateway to joy, understanding, liberation and peace.
Jennifer Beals