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Bureaucracy Quotes - page 2
Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.
Albert Einstein
You can't be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.
Ronald Reagan
The life I should be living had been mislaid through some clerical error by the cosmic bureaucracy.
Lev Grossman
The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline.
James C. Collins
I don't want a lot of bureaucracy... I want to run state government the same way we run a campaign - efficient, effective and victorious.
Charlie Crist
Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need.
Christopher Bond
Bureaucracy gives birth to itself and then expects maternity benefits.
Dale Dauten
Given the slow pace of Washington's bureaucracy, policymakers are often busy solving yesterday's problems. This rearview mirror approach afflicts Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress.
Fred Upton
I've never been married and I've no more desire to be married now than I ever have. I hate bureaucracy and I am not religious.
Francesca Annis
We have to make bureaucracy sexy.
Jennifer Pahlka
A mayor is a symbol and a public face of what a city bureaucracy provides its citizens.
John Hickenlooper
I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy. They deserve our devoted attention, not our divided attention.
Kenny Guinn
We must fight against negativeness - especially bureaucracy, corruption and wastefulness.
Nong Duc Manh
Well, first, the situation in Afghanistan is much better than it was. But there is no comparison between Afghanistan and Iraq. Iraq has a bureaucracy, Iraq has wealth. Iraq has an educated class of people who are positioned to come in and take over.
Peter T. King
Temporary teams of trusted people are generally sent to all Departments and to major agencies of government to assist in planning and to acquaint the incoming administration with the civil servants and bureaucracy that will remain in place in the new Administration.
Richard V. Allen
If we overregulate, over control, impose too many burdens and too much bureaucracy - or if we do it across the board, without taking into account the differences among businesses and their relative impact on society - that could make people risk-averse and dampen the entrepreneurial spirit.
Samuel J. Palmisano
Now, I don't have all the answers, but I do know the old ways don't work. Trickledown economics has sure failed. And big bureaucracies, both private and public, they've failed too. That's why we need a new approach to government, a government that offers more empowerment and less entitlement. More choices for young people in the schools they attend- in the public schools they attend. And more choices for the elderly and for people with disabilities and the long-term care they receive. A government that is leaner, not meaner; a government that expands opportunity, not bureaucracy; a government that understands that jobs must come from growth in a vibrant and vital system of free enterprise.
Bill Clinton
We no longer like to think about bureaucracy, yet it informs every aspect of out existence. It's as if as a planetary civilization, we have decided to clap out hands over our ears and start humming whenever the topic comes up.
David Graeber
Everyone knows how compromised the idea of bureaucracy as a meritocratic system is. The first criterion of loyalty to any organization is therefore complicity. Career advancement is not based on merit but on a willingness to play along with the fiction that career advancement is based on merit, or with the fiction that rules and regulations apply to everyone equally, when in fact they are often deployed as an instrument of arbitrary personal power. ... As whole societies have come to represent themselves as giant credentialized meritocracies, rather than as systems of predatory extraction, we bustle about, trying to curry favor by pretending we actually believe it to be true.
David Graeber
To say that the ruling class is themanagers is almost the same thing as to say that it is the state bureaucracy', he writes.
James Burnham
With the collapse of the old welfare states, all this has come to seem decidedly quaint. As the language of antibureaucratic individualism has been adopted, with increasing ferocity, by the Right, which insists on "market solutions” to every social problem, the mainstream Left has increasingly reduced itself to fighting a kind of pathetic rearguard action, trying to salvage remnants of the old welfare state: it has acquiesced with–often spearheaded–attempts to make government efforts more "efficient” though the partial privatization of services and the incorporation of ever-more "market principle,” "market incentives,” and market-based "accountability processes” into the structure of the bureaucracy itself.
David Graeber
In the Stuart era, the English developed for themselves, without foreign participation or example, a system of Parliamentary government, local administration and freedom of speech and person, clean contrary to the prevailing tendencies on the continent, which was moving fast toward regal absolution, centralized bureaucracy, and the subjection of the individual to the State.
G. M. Trevelyan