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Borrow Quotes - page 4
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
Oscar Wilde
Global economic competition is a game of unequal players ... Consequently, it is only fair that we 'tilt the playing field' in favour of the weaker countries. In practice, this means allowing them to protect and subsidize their producers more vigorously and to put stricter regulations on foreign investment. These countries should also be allowed to protect intellectual property rights less stringently so that they can more actively 'borrow' ideas from more advanced countries.
Ha-Joon Chang
We have shown that Islam can rule the world perfectly for 14 centuries, and during this time of Muslim power we did not borrow ideas like democracy from others, so why do we need to learn democracy from them now?
Abu Bakar Bashir
We had to dispel the notion that the way to economic success lies through a sort of fiscal levitation. That was the abiding post-war delusion-that governments could spend and borrow their way to prosperity, and fine-tune the performance of the economy through something known pretentiously as demand management...It used to be an establishment nostrum that you need a budget deficit to get economic growth. That was the belief which lay behind the notorious letter by 364 economists in March 1981. We have given the lie to that, decisively. There can no longer be any argument about it. Everyone-or almost everyone-now accepts that the proper role of macro-economic policy is to keep downward pressure on inflation and to maintain a stable framework in which the private sector can expand.
Nigel Lawson
Men who borrow their Opinions can never repay their Debts. They are Beggars by Nature, and can therefore never get a Stock to grow rich upon.
George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax
I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow, and I have borrowed a lot since I read it to you first.
Woodrow Wilson
The moral of the story of the Pilgrims is that if you work hard all your life and behave yourself every minute and take no time out for fun you will break practically even, if you can borrow enough money to pay your taxes.
Will Cuppy
I borrow to pay my honest debts and not to squander foolishly. What's more, I confine my borrowing to those who can well afford it. I don't go around sponging on widows and orphans unless they have plenty.
Will Cuppy
It is a good world to live in, To lend, or to spend, or to give in; But to beg or to borrow, or to get a man's own, It is the very worst world that ever was known.
John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester
It is a fraud to borrow what we are unable to repay.
Publilius Syrus
What's wrong with readin' comic books? I don't understand this kiddin' about readin' comic books. When I get through with 'em the other players on our club borrow them from me. Nobody makes a fuss about that.
Yogi Berra
As a means of motivating people to be cruel or inhumane-as a means of inciting evil, to borrow the vocabulary of the devout-there may be no more potent force than religion.
Jon Krakauer
May I borrow your wheelbarrow? - I didn't lay down my life in World War II so that you could borrow my wheelbarrow.
Adrian Mitchell
In things that a man would not be seen in himself, it is a point of cunning to borrow the name of the world as to say, The world says, or There is a speech abroad.
Francis Bacon
I borrow some subject or other from life or from nature, and, using it as a pretext, I arrange lines and colors so as to obtain symphonies, harmonies that do not represent a thing that is real, in the vulgar sense of the word, and do not directly express any idea, but are supposed to make you think the way music is supposed to make you think, unaided by ideas or images, simply through the mysterious affinities that exist between our brains and such arrangements of colors and lines.
Paul Gauguin
Capitalism has three innate characteristics that drive us towards destruction... firstly, that it generates and relies upon perpetual growth... (Second:)...the idea that our right to own natural wealth equates to the amount of money that we've got in the bank or we can borrow. So, you can take as much natural wealth away from other people as you like.... The third characteristic is the one that really ensures that people go along with capitalism, the idea that everyone can pursue - and can expect to find - private luxury.
George Monbiot
Thus our judgments, if they do not borrow from reason and philosophy a fixity and steadiness of purpose in their acts, are easily swayed and influenced by the praise or blame of others, which make us distrust our own opinions.
Instead of leading the world by how much we borrow, it's time that we make sure we lead the world in how much we build and create and invest.
Mitt Romney
My luck at the gambling table was varied; sometimes I was fifty to a hundred dollars ahead, and at other times I had to borrow money from my fellow workmen to settle my room rent and pay for my meals.
James Weldon Johnson
Ever from one who comes to-morrow Men wait their good and truth to borrow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here's why I would recommend against [selling the U. S. stock markets short].... Retail brokers normally require investors to hold any short-sale proceeds in U. S. dollars, usually earning no interest. The dollar, seen through my famously jaundiced eye, could lose more purchasing power than the security you sold short lost value.... I've got a much better idea, which is to borrow dollars and spend them to acquire foreign income-producing assets, using the income to pay the interest.
Peter Schiff
Days that need borrow No part of their good morrow From a fore-spent night of sorrow.
Richard Crashaw