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Stem Quotes
Many of the insights of the saint stem from their experience as sinners.
Eric Hoffer
Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.
Milan Kundera
Using adult stem cells drawn from bone marrow and umbilical cord blood system cells, scientists have discovered new treatments for scores of diseases and conditions such as Parkinson's disease, juvenile diabetes, and spinal cord injuries.
Nathan Deal
To date, embryonic stem cell research has not produced a single medical treatment, where ethical, adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.
Mike Pence
Once the return tide starts, it will be impossible to stem it, and it will prove our undoing.
Moshe Sharett
The main stem was then in most cases twisted in a zigzag form, which process checked the flow of the sap, and at the same time encouraged the production of side branches at those parts of the stem where they were most desired.
Robert Fortune
More important is the fact that embryonic stem cell research could lead to new treatments and cures for the many Americans afflicted with life-threatening and debilitating diseases.
Ron Kind
She thought: at this moment, the glass stem between his fingers feels just like the one between mine. We have this much in common.
Ayn Rand
Just as the development of earth art and installation art stemmed from the idea of taking art out of the galleries, the basis of my involvement with public art is a continuation of wall drawings.
Sol LeWitt
I shuddered from stem to stern, as stout barks do when buffeted by the waves.
P. G. Wodehouse
The lotus' stem is as long as the depth of water, So men's height is just as great as their inner strength.
There is a strong religious commitment to the sanctity of human life, but, paradoxically, some of the most fervent protectors of microscopic stem cells are the most ardent proponents of the death penalty.
Jimmy Carter
There is just no sensible, logical reason why we would not make use of stem cell research.
Arlen Specter
Not only does the democratic state of mind stem from the inspiration of the Gospel, but it cannot exist without it.
Jacques Maritain
There is an abundance of misinformation, exaggeration, and blatant lies being spread by interest groups regarding the prospects for embryonic stem cell research.
Virginia Foxx
The will for victory which gives a commander the strength to see a grave crisis through is something very different from Hitler's will, which in the last analysis stemmed from a belief in his own 'mission'. Such a belief makes a man impervious to reason and leads him to think that his own will can operate even beyond the limits of hard reality - whether these consist in the presence of far superior enemy forces, in the conditions of space and time, or merely in the fact that the enemy also happens to have a will of his own.
Erich von Manstein
I believe it is still true that conflicts among major powers usually stem from geopolitical rivalries but rarely from economic competition.
Robert Kagan
Human rights did not begin with the French Revolution... [they] really stem from a mixture of Judaism and Christianity... [we English] had 1688, our quiet revolution, where Parliament exerted its will over the King... it was not the sort of Revolution that France's was...'Liberty, equality, fraternity' – they forgot obligations and duties I think. And then of course the fraternity went missing for a long time.
Margaret Thatcher
Unhappiness. There are all kinds of unhappy people in the world. I suppose it would be no exaggeration to say that the world is composed entirely of unhappy people. But those people can fight their unhappiness with society fairly and squarly, and society for its part easily understands and sympathizes with such struggles. My unhappiness stemmed entirely from my own vices, and I had no way of fighting anybody.
Osamu Dazai
Throughout our lifetimes we are constantly regenerating new brain cells in the hippocampus, a process called neurogenesis. New stem cells are constantly being born in the hippocampus that ultimately differentiate into fully functional neurons.
David Perlmutter
Stem cells are probably going to be extremely useful.
Joseph Murray
All men now allow that if any human power could have stemmed the avalanche of the French Revolution, it would have been the reforms of Turgot.
Evelyn Beatrice Hall