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Strain Quotes
The glossary of politics is so full of euphemistic words and phrases - as in the nature of things it must be - that one would suppose politicians must sometimes strain their wits to coin them.
Albert Jay Nock
On this question of principle, while actual suffering was yet afar off, they the Colonies raised their flag against a power to which, for purposes of foreign conquest and subjugation, Rome in the height of her glory is not to be compared,a power which has dotted over the surface of the whole globe with her possessions and military posts, whose morning drum-beat, following the sun, and keeping company with the hours, circles the earth with one continuous and unbroken strain of the martial airs of England.
Daniel Webster
The first pressure of sorrow crushes out from our hearts the best wine afterwards the constant weight of it brings forth bitterness, the taste and strain from the lees of the vat.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
But what if I fail of my purpose here? It is but to keep the nerves at strain, to dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall, and baffled, get up and begin again.
Robert Browning
Then welcome each rebuff That turns earth's smoothness rough, Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand, but go Be our joys three-parts pain Strive, and hold cheap the strain Learn, nor account the pang dare, never grudge the throe.
Robert Browning
I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.
Og Mandino
What breaks capitalism, all that will ever break capitalism, is capitalists. The faster they run the more strain on their heart.
Raymond Williams
When his veering gait And every motion of his starry train Seem governed by a strain Of music, audible to him alone.
William Wordsworth
Writers who have nothing to say always strain for metaphors to say it in.
Florence King
There was a great strain in our family because my father didn't want anything to do with me. He was happy to see my brother and sister, but not me. I don't know why. Maybe it was shame. I don't know. But he never wanted anything to do with me. That rejection was terribly hurtful and it went on for years.
Carol Vorderman
You are a light that will always guide me, a whisper I'll always strain to hear.
Lora Leigh
Let it be remembered, too, that at a time of war, nearly every one is under great strain.
William Lyon Mackenzie King
When I was a little bit younger The strain I was under could make me cry. Now I'm a little bit older, A little bit bolder, Never so shy.
Zooey Deschanel
Let echo, too, perform her part, Prolonging every note with art; And in a low expiring strain, Play all the comfort o'er again.
Joseph Addison
Strain your brain more than your eye... You can copy a thing to a certain limit. Then you must use intellect.
Thomas Eakins
But it ain't easy, trying to do without God even if you know he ain't there, trying to do without him is a strain.
Alice Walker
The weed crushed and pressed by the heavy rock may slowly and gently grow up anew helped by the fresh air, sunshine, and sympathetic rain. On the other hand, the rock is often broken through exposure to nature and weathering. Life is a strong power to grow in tenderness; this fact may be considered as having a close relation with human life. At the same time tenderness has sometimes stronger power against stiffness or hardening due to extreme strain.
Kyuzo Mifune
A man is like a rope: both break at a definite strain....The solution is not splicing the rope; it's lessening the tension.
Jack Vance
A man who strains himself on the stage is bound, if he is any good, to strain all the people sitting in the stalls.
Bertolt Brecht
On May 7, a few weeks after the accident at Three-Mile Island, I was in Washington. I was there to refute some of that propaganda that Ralph Nader, Jane Fonda and their kind are spewing to the news media in their attempt to frighten people away from nuclear power. I am 71 years old, and I was working 20 hours a day. The strain was too much. The next day, I suffered a heart attack. You might say that I was the only one whose health was affected by that reactor near Harrisburg. No, that would be wrong. It was not the reactor. It was Jane Fonda. Reactors are not dangerous.
Edward Teller
When panting sighs the bosom fill, And hands by chance united thrill At once with one delicious pain The pulses and the nerves of twain; When eyes that erst could meet with ease, Do seek, yet, seeking, shyly shun Ecstatic conscious unison,- The sure beginnings, say, be these Prelusive to the strain of love Which angels sing in heaven above?
Arthur Hugh Clough
Till old experience do attain To something like prophetic strain.
John Milton