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Initiative Quotes - page 2
New Zealand was colonised initially by those Australians who had the initiative to escape.
Robert Muldoon
There is nothing that so raises a young man's self-esteem, that so contributes to the formation of his character as for him to find himself unexpectedly confronted with a task which he has to accomplish entirely on his own initiative and by his own efforts.
Stefan Zweig
[Corporate programming] is often done to the point where the individual is completely submerged in corporate "culture" with no outlet for unique talents and skills. Corporate practices can be directly hostile to individuals with exceptional skills and initiative in technical matters. I consider such management of technical people cruel and wasteful.
Bjarne Stroustrup
The final and best means of strengthening demand among consumers and business is to reduce the burden on private income and the deterrence to private initiative which are imposed by our present tax system, and this administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963.
John F. Kennedy
We expected that people were just waiting for the collapse of the Soviet Union, or at least for its retreat, and they were going to be full of initiative in all areas of life - in culture, in economy and in politics.
Andrzej Wajda
The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.
Robert Mundell
Success depends in a very large measure upon individual initiative and exertion, and cannot be achieved except by a dint of hard work.
Anna Pavlova
The cradle-to-grave welfare state diminishes individual initiative and can breed a pervasive sclerosis.
Jacob Weisberg
Last year, the Assembly of the League, as a result of the initiative taken by the Scandinavian nations, further limited and clarified all the provisions of the clause prescribing the duty of states to participate in sanctions.
Hjalmar Branting
Common Core, the initiative that claims to more accurately measure K-12 student knowledge in English and math, also encourages children to step up their 'critical thinking.'
David Harsanyi
Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.
Bo Bennett
People who ask us when we will hold talks with Pakistan are perhaps not aware that over the last 55 years, every initiative for a dialogue with Pakistan has invariably come from India.
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
The four cornerstones of character on which the structure of this nation was built are: Initiative, Imagination, Individuality and Independence.
Eddie Rickenbacker
One has to take initiative in life to achieve what he or she wants.
Donald Johanson
Within a month I announced I was going to start this initiative: A World of Women for World Peace.
Eddie Bernice Johnson
You destroy the initiative of the working people if they don't feel they have a fighting chance to be a part of the American Dream.
James Sinegal
If you can defend, counter-attack and take the initiative then you become a more dangerous player.
Jo Durie
The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation.
Julie Bishop
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence.
William J. H. Boetcker
Nor do I understand how anyone can feel that industrial progress has been made at the expense of social progress nor why any American should suffer from the great delusion that any form of communism or statism, which promotes the dictatorship of the few instead of the initiative of the millions, can produce a happier and more prosperous society.
Charles Erwin Wilson
We lost the referendum vote but can still carry the political initiative. More importantly Scotland can still emerge as the real winner.
Alex Salmond
In its own more confused, less advanced way, New Dealism too has spread abroad the stress on the state as against the individual, planning as against private enterprise, jobs (even if relief jobs) against opportunities, security against initiative, "human rights" against "property rights." There can be no doubt that the psychological effect of New Dealism has been what the capitalists say it has been: to undermine public confidence in capitalist ideas and rights and institutions. Its most distinctive features help to prepare the minds of the masses for the acceptance of the managerial social structure.
James Burnham