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Thirst Quotes
Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
Thomas Jefferson
The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it.
Laurence Sterne
Go not for every grief to the physician, nor for every quarrell to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot.
George Herbert
The insatiable thirst for everything which lies beyond, and which life reveals, is the most living proof of our immortality.
Charles Baudelaire
The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.
Anton Chekhov
With the beginning of life, comes the thirst for truth, whereas the ability to lie is gradually acquired in the process of trying to stay alive.
Gao Xingjian
Roaming through the jungle of oohs and ahs, searching for a more agreeable noise, I live a life of primitivity with the mind of a child and an unquenchable thirst for sharps and flats.
Duke Ellington
Ennui has made more gamblers than avarice, more drunkards than thirst, and perhaps as many suicides as despair.
Charles Caleb Colton
No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.
Eugène Ionesco
The best seasoning for food is hunger; for drink, thirst.
The idea of eternity lives in all of us. We thirst to live in a belief which raises our small personality to a higher coherence - a coherence which is human and yet superhuman, absolute and yet steadily growing and developing, ideal and yet real.
Christian Lous Lange
The people who influenced me most were the people who said I would never make it. They gave me a thirst for revenge.
Colin Mochrie
Men are as we have always known them, neither better nor worse from the hearts of rogues there springs a latent honesty, from the depths of honest men there emerges a brutish appetite - a thirst for extermination, a desire for blood.
Federica Montseny
Appetite comes with eating, says Angeston. But the thirst goes away with drinking.
François Rabelais
The modernist thirst for originality makes the mediocre artist believe that the secret of originality consists simply in being different.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila
As long as mankind shall continue to bestow more liberal applause on their destroyers than on their benefactors, the thirst of military glory will ever be the vice of the most exalted characters.
Edward Gibbon
God has given the salt lick to the deer; and He has given to man, red-skin and white, the delicious spring at which to slake his thirst.
James Fenimore Cooper
Love, with very young people, is a heartless business. We drink at that age from thirst, or to get drunk; it is only later in life that we occupy ourselves with the individuality of our wine.
Karen Blixen
Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need - a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends, worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you, a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear, and a little more than enough to drink; for thirst is a dangerous thing.
Jerome K. Jerome
So she sat on the porch and watched the moon rise. Soon its amber fluid was drenching the earth, and quenching the thirst of the day.
Zora Neale Hurston
Let those who think the soul is shallow rail, They must be warned before they dare to leap They'll plunge into the twilight depths where sweep In ceaseless thirst great teeth too swift to fail.
Philip José Farmer
I don't really know what "intellectual" means, but if it means you've got a desire to learn, you've got a desire to look for things that haven't been presented to you, then, maybe. I think that "intellectual" is quite an exclusive word. I think it's just for anyone that has a thirst or a hunger to improve themselves, or a yearning to escape from somewhere to get to a better place.
Pete Doherty