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Delusion Quotes - page 2
Prominence is cool, but when the delusion kicks in it can be a drag. Especially if you choose to surround yourself with friends and not acolytes.
Barbara Kruger
We live and we die and anything else is just a delusion.
Chuck Palahniuk
Every national border in Europe," El Eswad added ironically, "marks the place where two gangs of bandits got too exhausted to kill each other anymore and signed a treaty. Patriotism is the delusion that one of these gangs of bandits is better than all the others.
Robert Anton Wilson
Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.
Don Marquis
Isn't it sad how some people's grip on their lives is so precarious that they'll embrace any preposterous delusion rather than face an occasional bleak truth?
Bill Watterson
Do mortal fools still measure the increments leading to their deaths, wagering pleasures against costs, persisting in the delusion that deeds have value, that the world and all the gods sit in judgment over every decision made or not made?
Steven Erikson
Women have a hard time of it in this world. They are oppressed by man-made laws, man-made social customs, masculine egoism, the delusion of masculine superiority. Their one comfort is the assurance that, even though it may be impossible to prevail against man, it is always possible to enslave and torture a man.
H. L. Mencken
Off goes the head of the king, and tyranny gives way to freedom. The change seems abysmal. Then, bit by bit, the face of freedom hardens, and by and by it is the old face of tyranny. Then another cycle, and another. But under the play of all these opposites there is something fundamental and permanent - the basic delusion that men may be governed and yet be free.
H. L. Mencken
Truth may sometimes hurt, but delusion harms.
Vanna Bonta
First get rid of the delusion "I am the body,” then only will we want real knowledge.
Swami Vivekananda
This is no world. It is God Himself. In delusion we call it world.
Swami Vivekananda
Go on saying, "I am free.” Never mind if the next moment delusion comes and says, "I am bound.”.
Swami Vivekananda
Delusion will vanish as the light becomes more and more effulgent, load after load of ignorance will vanish, and then will come a time when all else has disappeared and the sun alone shines.
Swami Vivekananda
If the prosecution of crime is to be conducted with so little regard for that protection which centuries of English law have given to the individual, we are indeed at the dawn of a new era; and much that we have deemed vital to our liberties, is a delusion.
Learned Hand
Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.
Edward Abbey
The main event is freedom. I often wonder if I had the complete freedom to not have to write, if I would write. That's the one mystery that I hope I get to experience. It might be a good idea to retire, since as this delusion of an economy progresses, it seems that if you make ten grand a year or a hundred grand a year, there's absolutely no difference.
Nick Tosches
The greatest obstacle to pleasure is not pain; it is delusion.
Stephen Greenblatt
We're under some gross misconception that we're a good species, going somewhere important, and that at the last minute we'll correct our errors and God will smile on us. It's delusion.
Farley Mowat
Sometimes a happy delusion is better than grim reality.
James Patterson
Reading is a form of prayer, a guided meditation that briefly makes us believe we're someone else, disrupting the delusion that we're permanent and at the center of the universe. Suddenly (we're saved!) other people are real again, and we're fond of them.
George Saunders
... what is romance, but a mutual pact of delusion? When the pact ends, there's nothing left.
Zoë Heller
We're constantly getting these messages to mind our own business and look the other way if we want to be well liked, to not tell the truth or speak our mind or say anything too intense. Well, I'm telling you here that this approach not only makes you party to other people's crimes against themselves but is a prescription for mediocrity and delusion.
Kelly Cutrone