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Moderate Quotes - page 2
Moderate Republicans are reverse Houdinis. They tie themselves up in knots and then tell you they can't do anything because they're tied up in knots.
Barney Frank
There are no moderate Republicans left, with the exception of a few who would vote with us when it doesn't make any difference. It's the most rigid ideological party since before the Civil War. [...] The bumper sticker I'm going to have printed up for Democrats this year is, "We're not perfect, but they're nuts."
Barney Frank
There are two Americas. One is the America of Lincoln and Adlai Stevenson; the other is the America of Teddy Roosevelt and the modern superpatriots. One is generous and humane, the other narrowly egotistical; one is self-critical, the other self-righteous; one is sensible, the other romantic; one is good-humored, the other solemn; one is inquiring, the other pontificating; one is moderate, the other filled with passionate intensity; one is judicious and the other arrogant in the use of great power.
J. William Fulbright
Superficial knowledge ... is hurtful to those who possess true genius; for it necessarily draws them away from their main object, wastes their industry over details and subjects foreign to their needs and natural talent, and lastly does not serve, as they flatter themselves, to prove the breadth of their mind. In all ages there have been men of very moderate intelligence who knew much, and so on the contrary, men of the highest intelligence who knew very little. Ignorance is not lack of intelligence, nor knowledge a proof of genius.
Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues
Islam, the third in historical sequence of the ethical monotheistic religions of the Near East, was very successful in establishing its monotheism, but had only very moderate success in spreading its version of Jewish and Christian ethics to the Arabs.
Carroll Quigley
Action in war is like movement in a resistant element. Just as the simplest and most natural of movements, walking, cannot easily be performed in water, so in war it is difficult for normal efforts to achieve even moderate results.
Carl von Clausewitz
Oh dear Pan and all the other Gods of this place, grant that I may be beautiful inside. Let all my external possessions be in friendly harmony with what is within. May I consider the wise man rich. As for gold, let me have as much as a moderate man could bear and carry with him.
Balance, that's the secret. Moderate extremism. The best of both worlds.
Edward Abbey
The spirit of our age is one in which the prejudices of the past are put behind us, where our diversity is our strength. It is this which is under attack. Moderates are not moderate through weakness but through strength. Now is the time to show it in defence of our common values.
Tony Blair
The best ally in the struggle against violent Islamism is moderate Islam.
Lawrence Wright
The weather was fine and moderate. The hunters all returned, having killed during their absence three elk, four deer, two porcupines, a fox and a hare.
Meriwether Lewis
I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.
Bob Graham
Fiscally I'm very conservative ... others say that I'm socially moderate.
Brian Sandoval
Reject racial or religious hate. Embrace moderate Islam.
Geraldo Rivera
It's important that we work very closely with moderate Muslim forces locally, nationally and internationally.
Gijs de Vries
The key to tackling Islamist fundamentalism and terrorism from the Islamist community is in the hands of moderate Muslims.
Gijs de Vries
Be moderate in everything, including moderation.
Horace Porter
The notion of a neutral, mainstream national media gained dominance only in World War II and in its aftermath, when what turned out to be a temporary moderate consensus came to govern the country.
Howard Fineman
I would rather have a competent extremist than an incompetent moderate.
Leon Jaworski
The struggle you see in the Republican Party today is the country club Republican versus the bowling alley Republican. Colin Powell brings us back to the country club image. He's an insider. He's a moderate.
Pete du Pont
The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.
Richard Neal
Fundamentally, I believe that the U.S. can improve its international standing and its national security by expanding trade and strengthening its relationships with moderate Muslim countries.
Richard Neal