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Conspiracy Quotes - page 3
Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized.
Joseph Sobran
One of the first things we found out was that the Warren Commission never pursued a conspiracy investigation.
Louis Stokes
So Pakistan is a country that I'm very fond of and have spent a lot of time, but it is a country where conspiracy theories have a life of their own.
Peter L. Bergen
Many citizens see all the leadership of these large institutions together in a conspiracy against them rather than in any adversary relationship with each other.
Robert Teeter
The greatest propaganda coup of the American Right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy.
Shane Smith
Judaism is a conspiracy against all races.
Tom Metzger
I think the only way one can arrive at an understanding of his anti-Semitism growing all the time is because in America your Mr. Roosevelt had his brain trust which was made up of so many Jews, Felix Frankfurter, Claude Pepper - was it Pepper? I can't recall the other names. Oh yes, Morgenthau. It made Hitler feel more and more that an international conspiracy had caused the war, with the Jews behind it.
Joachim von Ribbentrop
I love conspiracy theories. I used to just live on it. You know it's all hype and garbage, but you're still really paranoid afterwards. It's fun entertainment.
Doug Stanhope
The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It's the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on the one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other.
Douglas MacArthur
There is a conspiracy to do us in. Why?... They see us as a threat to the rest of Singapore.
Lee Kuan Yew
The Persian aggression against Iraq was a result of the arrogant, racialist and evil attitudes of the ruling clique in Iran. At the same time, it was a Zionist and imperialist conspiracy aimed at liquidating Iraq's revival and checking its development for decades. It tried to strip you of your shining mind and heart, in the same way as it tried to destroy the scientific, cultural and technical bases of your new revival. But you, with courage, patience and efficiency - thanks to the Revolution's achievements - have been able to meet a challenge which many peoples in the world may fail to meet, and which some countries in the Arab homeland have indeed failed to meet.
Saddam Hussein
I do not believe -- and I have never believed -- that the crack cocaine explosion was a conscious CIA conspiracy, or anybody's conspiracy, to decimate black America. I've never believed that South Central Los Angeles was targeted by the U. S. government to become the crack capitol of the world. But that isn't to say that the CIA's hands or the U. S. government's hands are clean in this matter. Actually, far from it. After spending three years of my life looking into this, I am more convinced than ever that the U. S. government's responsibility for the drug problems in South Central Los Angeles and other inner cities is greater than I ever wrote in the newspaper.
Gary Webb
Religion is...a conspiracy of...priests to gain control over the people...
W. Somerset Maugham
The only book that I have read that really struck home with me giving a possible explanation for UFOs was [...] The Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo. [...] Deyo, a Christian, is a genius who wrote the book way over my head. [...] He says that Satan has always used that mode of transportation to get around because the devil can only be at one place at one time [...] I do not know if it is true, but it is an interesting theory.
Kent Hovind
There is definitely a conspiracy, but I don't think that it is a human conspiracy. I don't believe there is a smoke filled room where a group of men get together and decide to teach evolution in all the schools. I believe that it is at a much higher level. I believe that it is a Satanic conspiracy. The reason these different people come to the same conclusion is not because they all met together; it is because they all work for the devil. He is their leader and they don't even know it.
Kent Hovind
To be successful, insurrection must rely not upon conspiracy and not upon a party, but upon the advanced class. That is the first point. Insurrection must rely upon a revolutionary upsurge of the people. That is the second point. Insurrection must rely upon that turning-point in the history of the growing revolution when the activity of the advanced ranks of the people is at its height, and when the vacillations in the ranks of the enemy and in the ranks of the weak, half-hearted and irresolute friends of the revolution are strongest. That is the third point. And these three conditions for raising the question of insurrection distinguish Marxism from Blanquism.
Vladimir Lenin
One reason you tend to doubt conspiracy theories when you've worked in government is because you know government is not nearly competent enough to carry off elaborate theories. It's a banal explanation, but imagine how efficient it would need to be.
Philip D. Zelikow
First of all, let it be remembered that I speak as an ex-Communist and one who has not testified before Congressional Committees, nor written works on the Communist conspiracy.
Dorothy Day
This Coercion Act professes to be in the main an Act directed against conspiracy, and conspiracy is a bad thing. But under the name of conspiracy we say that it is directed against combination. Combination is not always a very good thing, but combination is very often the sole means by which the weak can protect themselves against the strong, the poor against the wealthy.
William Ewart Gladstone
People love conspiracy theories.
Neil Armstrong
The Leaders have ever since gone...to propagate the principles of French Levelling and confusion, by which no house is safe from its Servants, and no Officer from his Soldiers, and no State or constitution from conspiracy and insurrection. I will not enter into the baseness and depravity of the System they adopt; but one thing I will remark, that its great Object is not, (as they pretend to delude worthy people to their Ruin) the destruction of all absolute Monarchies, but totally to root out that thing called an Aristocrate or Noblemen and Gentleman.
Edmund Burke
American society is increasingly a conspiracy of the smart against the dumb.
John Derbyshire