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Daring Quotes - page 2
The dyad gets its name from passing through or asunder; for the dyad is the first to have separated itself from the monad, whence also it is called "daring." For when the monad manifests unification, the dyad steals in and manifests separation.
I must confess that I too am a woman and that I am always prepared to applaud a woman who is more daring than I, and is equal to a man in fighting for freedom of behavior.
Paul Gauguin
What have we given? My friend, blood shaking my heart The awful daring of a moment's surrender Which an age of prudence can never retract By this, and this only, we have existed.
T. S. Eliot
...the Americans must have the Almighty dollar. Their cupidity renders them daring and indifferent to everything else. It is nothing to them to expose their lives and those of others in order to gain money. How materialistic these people are!
Théodore Guérin
Composers aren't daring enough. They're afraid of that sacred idol called 'common sense', which is the most dreadful thing I know - after all, it's no more than a religion founded to excuse the ubiquity of imbeciles!
Claude Debussy
Is it not our duty to find the symphonic formula which fits our time, one which progress, daring and modern victory demand? The century of airplanes has a right to its own music.
Claude Debussy
Here is he laid to whom for daring deed, nor friend nor foe could render worthy meed.
Don't look back-forward, infinite energy, infinite enthusiasm, infinite daring, and infinite patience-then alone can great deeds be accomplished.
Swami Vivekananda
Devote today to something so daring even you cant believe youre doing it.
Oprah Winfrey
In crises the most daring course is often safest.
Henry Kissinger
There are times when the utmost daring is the height of wisdom.
Carl von Clausewitz
The bravest are the most tender; the loving are the daring.
Bayard Taylor
Dr. Insulza is quite an idiot, a true idiot. The insipid Dr. Insulza should resign from the secretariat of the OAS for daring to play that role.
Hugo Chávez
I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts.
Albert Einstein
I am delighted, one more time, by the daring of my species and the audacity of our flying machines. There is poetry and music in our technology, a beauty as touching as that of eagle, moss campion, raven or yonder limestone boulder shining under the Arctic sun.
Edward Abbey
Schumpter's daring and dashing entrepreneur is now a legendary figure from the distant past - if not from the mythology of capitalism - or is to be found only in the demimonde of business, founding new ice cream parlors or "deep freeze subscription clubs."
Paul A. Baran
Books that distribute things... with as daring a freedom as we use in dreams, put us on our feet again.
Marsilio Ficino
The analytical geometry of Descartes and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz have expanded into the marvelous mathematical method-more daring than anything that the history of philosophy records-of Lobachevsky and Riemann, Gauss and Sylvester. Indeed, mathematics, the indispensable tool of the sciences, defying the senses to follow its splendid flights, is demonstrating today, as it never has been demonstrated before, the supremacy of the pure reason.
Nicholas Murray Butler
For though Duncan was a mere mortal, flawed as well, he'd accomplished a daring feat. Aye, he'd captured an angel. And she belonged to him.
Julie Garwood
I felt like an apostle of the obvious and people imagined that I was doing something daring.
George Weinberg
The man who in times of popular excitement boldly and unflinchingly resists hot-tempered clamor for an unnecessary war, and thus exposes himself to the opprobrious imputation of a lack of patriotism or of courage, to the end of saving his country from a great calamity, is, as to "loving and faithfully serving his country," at least as good a patriot as the hero of the most daring feat of arms, and a far better one than those who, with an ostentatious pretense of superior patriotism, cry for war before it is needed, especially if then they let others do the fighting.
Carl Schurz
Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea.
James Bryant Conant