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Hip-hop Quotes - page 4
Comedy is the one absolutely self-aware art form. Actually, hip-hop's another one, I suppose. Because in your songs you're talking about how good a hip-hop artist you are. It's like a painter painting a panting of himself painting a painting.
Bo Burnham
In the hip-hop community, it's about how real are you, or how strong can you be, and really my music just reflects me. If you can accept me, then you can accept my music.
Nick Cannon
I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily.
Nick Cannon
When I started out as a music journalist, at the end of the 1980s, it was generally assumed that we were living through the lamest music era the world would ever see. But those were also the years when hip-hop exploded, beatbox disco soared, indie rock took off, and new wave invented a language of teen angst.
Rob Sheffield
Hip-hop is a beautiful thing. I think that the music genre itself has created more millionaires than any other music genre before it, especially in our community.
Steve Harvey
I think that we, as the African-American men in hip-hop, we have a greater responsibly because we have the ears of so many millions of our young people. And they listenin'.
Steve Harvey
My first Grammy wasn't even in a jazz category, but of course I was really excited. 'Rockit' was the beginning of kind of a new era for the whole hip-hop movement.
Herbie Hancock
The thing is with hip-hop, it has its waves and the waves crash against the beach and the new waves come in. So to stay relevant you have to roll with that.
Ice Cube
Hip-hop can be limiting and I refuse to accept limits.
LL Cool J
My son is a hip-hop producer.
Quincy Jones
I guess hip-hop has been closer to the pulse of the streets than any music we've had in a long time. It's sociology as well as music, which is in keeping with the tradition of black music in America.
Quincy Jones
I'm a tremendous believer and supporter in hip-hop and rap.
Quincy Jones
Fitzgerald coined the phrase the 'Jazz Age,' and now we're living in the Hip-Hop Age.
Baz Luhrmann
I am a hip-hop artist, as you probably know. My hip-hop name is Big Smalls.
Jo Brand
Especially when I'm in the gym, I get really motivated by hip-hop.
Lindsey Vonn
I'm a total hip-hop geek. That's my favorite kind of music to listen to while getting ready.
Zoey Deutch
I like hip-hop music, but some of the lyrics make me want to cry.
Patti LaBelle
The thing about hip-hop is that it's from the underground, ideas from the underbelly, from people who have mostly been locked out, who have not been recognized.
Russell Simmons
The reason I love 'Slumdog' is because the music is all world cultures, all celebrating. In India, I know people feel other film scores [of mine] are closer to their hearts. But when you are doing a film, it's very important to make the film look like one full piece of artwork. I think scoring 'Slumdog' with every kind of music possible, from Chinese to hip-hop to M. I. A.... was really fresh ground for me.
A. R. Rahman
The only reason I've been so critical of hip-hop is because I've always been aware of the effect that it has, and the reflection that it gives of the African-American community.
Saul Williams
What's wrong with hip-hop is the system that controls the definition of it. There needs to be more balance on the airwaves.
Saul Williams
Hip-hop is too young to put a definition on it.
Saul Williams