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Northern Quotes - page 2
To this day the Arab influence is evident in southern Italy, northern Africa and, above all, in Spain.
Carroll Quigley
Yes, it is a painful lot to be a poet and to love both God and man by the farthest northern seas!
Halldór Laxness
In fact, in the far North one sees the northern lights facing south!
Vincent Massey
Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.
John F. Kennedy
What is the world, O soldiers? It is I, I, this incessant snow, This northern sky.
Walter de la Mare
After all, in both languages we were dealing in large measure not with English and French, but with Scots and Irish, Bretons and Normans.... There could be no more eloquent illustration of the colonial mind-set than a bunch of Celts and Vikings in a distant northern territory insulting each other as les anglais and the French as if they were the descendants of the people who had subjected and ruined them.
John Ralston Saul
I could write about coal miners in Northern Pennsylvania, and people would ask if I was writing about my dad.
Owen King
Laistrygonians. Cannibals. Northern Giants. Sasquatch legend. Yep, yep. They are not birds. Not birds of North America.
Rick Riordan
I do not believe that our friends at the South have any just idea of the state of feeling, hurrying at this moment to a pitch of intense exasperation, between those who respect their political obligations, and those who apparently have no impelling power but that which a fanatical position on the subject of domestic Slavery imparts. Without discussing the question of right - of abstract power to secede - I have never believed that actual disruption of the Union can occur without blood; and if, through the madness of Northern Abolitionists, that dire calamity must come, the fighting will not be along Mason's and Dixon's line merely. It [will] be within our own borders, in our own streets, between the two classes of citizens to whom I have referred.
Franklin Pierce
One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.
Houari Boumediene
Anything that comes out of the South is going to be called grotesque by the northern reader, unless it is grotesque, in which case it is going to be called realistic.
Flannery O’Connor
But then southern hemisphere teams are more skilful than their northern hemisphere counterparts, which means games can be easier to referee.
Alan Lewis
Before you rip off three feet of toilet paper, consider that each year 500,000 acres of virgin boreal forest in northern Alberta and Ontario are being clear-cut to make the stuff. These forests are home to some 500 First Nation communities, as well as caribou and bears, moose and wolves, and, in the summertime, billions of songbirds.
Alex Shoumatoff
The northern part of Sweden is considered more isolated, not so sociable, not so educated, more unemployment, very working-class, and people drink more than rest of Sweden; that's the kind of area I'm from.
Asa Larsson
I live on the beautiful Northern California coast. I have always loved hiking, whale watching and being outdoors.
Christine Feehan
Northern Uganda presents a situation of extraordinary violation of the rights of children.
Carol Bellamy
My State Senate district was in the northern part of Oklahoma and they were redrawing the districts.
Don Nickles
Except on their southern borders the great northern forests are not good as a permanent home for man.
Ellsworth Huntington
The underlying process in Northern music tends to be slower and continuous, whatever's happening on the surface; in Southern music the underlying process is always faster.
Esa-Pekka Salonen
A strangely reflective, even melancholy day. Is that because, unlike our cousins in the northern hemisphere, Easter is not associated with the energy and vitality of spring but with the more subdued spirit of autumn?
Hugh Mackay
When the problems in Northern Ireland started, it was not a question of Protestantism or Catholicism, because the Catholic church was the only church at that time-it was a nationalist conflict.
Harri Holkeri
I grew up in northern New Jersey - the banlieue of New York - and I now live in Brooklyn. I am separated from my parents by about 50 miles, but really there is almost no distance between us. I speak to them nearly every day.
Jonathan Ames